
Songtext Prayers Giles


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It starts whit tierdness n bullshit um depressed and stressed watch out 'cause u mother fucker
Will get knocked out
Um in my bed sick and tierd my head hurts my chest is pumping whit blood my heart is stumping my laungs are finish i can die anymin just take a nother breath hoping it doesnt't stop here..
Evry-time i think about my life i think big bunch of kyfe
Holding this gun to my temple droping tears wishing i whould hear my beautiful gurl again
Shes gone for 4 days it's like im going the wrong way's my head don't think right evrything i see
Its not heaven and dreams it's murder and seens...

I wish it whould be heaven and dreams n not murder and seens
N i want my head seeing evry sight my lungs tight i don't wanna leave this world
'cause i know im in love whit this gurl right..?

Shes alwas saying don't say that or this but this is how i feel inside um losing my pride
U gotta help me up 'cause um falling down whit depression and stress
This is not my best pride i just wanna leave my tears inside and live this wounder full life
U problebly hear this evryday but im scared of lossing u..
Is kiss is a kiss intil i find ur love a hug it's just a hug til im the one u dreaming of u
A dream is a dream til is commes true but i know right now the love iv got for u
Is proven to be true..

I got this from a poem but i change a lot 'cause i want it to be true and fine how the ur mine.
The way u shine that makes evry thing fine..but i think it's the rhyme that
puts this gun to my head 1000 emotion's going true my mind that wasn't even said.. sick and tierd of this fucking rhyme but i think it's time that i should let this go n show how i much u love u (BOOM) it's a new crime cops found out it's a suicide thinking why whould i fucking die
In my bed guts n full of blood of my brain there all going insaine saying i was brain washed bye the rap music but looking at my hand whit this paper it's a song heaven and dreams..... at the end it sais i love you danika sorry for leaving u like this but don't worry um whit u evry single moment**.. of ur life plz don't take it hard 'cause i did it for the best us..

I ask my self to god why i pulld the triger for this gurl s0o0 i held my head up hight and look at my life and pulld the triger
N made me cry
As i rest in peace in my coffin i think about my life and think about all the memories i had and think about what i did wrong
But the darkness makes me blank whit 10 feet down sank.
Soo hush my baby gurl don't u cry evrything will be alright close ur eyes and drift whit my memories hight
And make me rest in peace a sleep... babe hold my shirt tight evry-day i will give u life
As i drift off to ur world n make me rest in peace a sleep very deep....
Notings to hind and notings to see in this coffin whit no life and no pride as i rest in peace deep..
I had a good life til i lost my gide tell evry-body i said good-bye as i pray n say hi for heaven til the day i die.
Looking at my dead body on my bed whit guts and blood brains all over the walls as the c.s.i my body
They expect no they look at my body n the sky see the thunder of a cross of my face as they feel the pain of that sad of they loss.

i wish it whould be heaven and dreams n not murder and seens
N i want my head seeing evry sight my lungs tight i don't wanna leave this world
'cause i know im in love whit this gurl right..? right...

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Giles is a group. Their discography includes Giles. Their most popular genre is Techno.

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