Joe Budden

Songtext Pornostar Joe Budden


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Watchu think that all of the rumors for? Mami-dude you love dick, caress and rub dick
Love street niggaz, love a thug dick
But you don't look likeyou gettin enough dick
But you fuckin in public and suck dick
Are you don't with a dick, clown niggaz dick
When they put it in do you drown niggaz dicks
Profound a nigga dick, and when you go down
I hope you don't kiss all around a nigga dick
You gettin lame dick, all the same dick
Clowns who can'tfuck, new to the game dick
Scared of a freak with a hall of fame dick
So keepfuckin your ex-man who can't quit
You need stronger dick, fuck seven inches
Get a longerdick, put it on the dick
A champion dick, a heavyweight dick
Have you 2-way a nigga every day dick My Cris' and Mo' bitches- thatride it well
My strip show bitches- hope you ride it well
We can fuck in the house or in the car
But tell me can you ride dick like a porno star
My gin&juice bitches- that take it well
My in school bitches- cause you takin it well
We can fuck in the house or in the car
But tell me can you take dick like a porno star A nigga need pussy, soft and sweet pussy
If you shit's thigt, then i'll probably eat pussyI'm a picky dude, don't need beat pussy
Strickly freak pussy, just to leak pussy
I need fine pussy, need dime pussy
Nedd rare pussy that hard to find pussy
Got a one-shot, I need all the time pussy
Up echelon, top of the line pussy
Need thigt pussy, get right pussy
No sleep, breakday, all night pussy
Fucker hack pussy, I'm lookin for that pussy
Bitch you cheated on me but I'm right back pussy
Poplock pussy, stop drop pussy
Let me lay up when the block hot pussy
Never befor pussy, straight raw pussy
Fucked ten times but I want more pussy Look I love sex, kind of rough sex
Whip cream, honey out, handcuff sex
Never without sex, all about sex
Hard backshots,pillow in her mouth sex
Deep stroke sex,deep throat sex
Run around her like you don't need no sex
All day sex, it's foreplay sex
You back on the wall in the hallway sex
Make me wait sex, third date sex
Just finished again, havin hate sex
Relaxed sex, missionary sex
Nails in my back sex, now that's sex
No hands sex, advanced sex
Why you come to my crib wearin pants sexunlikely sex, try me sex
You gon' fuck around and be wifer sex

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