
Songtext Piece of mind Tela


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Piece of mind

Ooh, piece of mind

[Verse 1]
It's 9-6 in the Jeep, Suave click rollin' peep out game
If you's the lamest, obsolete I'll reframe
But we all gon' do some ballin' tonight
And we gonna lay a lil' tight and we gon' set it off right
The dead of night and you know I'm ready to get my freak on
So I'ma get up on this phone so I can get my speak on
Let's get some drinks on but that can lead to slippin' and slidin'
So I'ma let Mr. Mike do the drivin'
I'm ridin' through the hood, it's all good that's where my folks be at
And I'm gon' keep comin' back as long as it stay like that
Today's a day like that
For stackin' chips and watchin' hips
The Gladys of the knights to be a pimp
We dip to the casinos, I got a g-note, we makin' key notes
Godfather Al Pacino, we knows
The tricks of the trades, and the cards can be played
What's been down to check but now it's better days

And it's all tonight, got my Hen on ice
And I'm bout to take flight, tonight
Don't you know my peeps are my life
And my pockets held tight, it's gonna be alright tonight

[Verse 3]
Now who's the mack in the back wearin' black Mark Buchanan, that's fact
It's Tela, nothin' sweeter so relax
Hit cho' tracks like a fool on Ex-Lax
Ready to take a couple off yo sacks, two fats
Black and Mild's, freak me now or freak me later
Baby gettin' hotter than potato, equator
Around the globe and have girls in hella shows
Tryin' to take a brother out his clothes, who knows
Why is this outta mind and ludicrous
Tryin' to get my grips, persists, a risk
So I waits, when I'm in and outta states
Before I just kick it like Xscape, a case
Of Dom Perignon, we in the sun
I make a run to the store to get a blunt
So what chu' want, I got the juice to keep the party on loose
So everybody stay in one spot and watch my coupe


[Verse 3]
Ya comprehension as we go off on this mission, attention
Recline in yo mind at this time who mention
The ways that we play now, every single day now
See we be gettin' paid now from this rappin' laid down
Continuous and strenuous, I love it
Who tried to lit a blunt full of dope and Perignon
Hela freaks that do us comin' up out the creeks and sewers
Some already knew us from previous endures
Like Priscilla, she was killer, I feel her, for real
Complexion high yellow, tastin' her vanilla
Smellin' body sprays, curly waves she got butter
How you want cha' baby's mother, she just wants someone to love her
So I rub her tits and in the midst I touch her heart
I tell her that it's on and Tela holds it all apart
Don't start being selfish, babbage to ya relatives
Yo cousin, yo auntie, yo know you want some breakfast

[Hook repeated to end]

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Tela is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Now or Never, Double Dose, The World Ain't Enuff, Piece Of Mind and Chopped up. Their most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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