
Songtext Party of the first part Bauhaus


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Party of the first part

(from "the devil and daniel mouse")

Who are you?

My card, pretty lady.

Devil may-care music production, beelzebub scratch, president.

I like your style, too bad you're not a singer.

Oh, but I am, I am a singer!

Hmm, no fooling.

No, no listen...

Fantastic, different.

I want to be a star, of please!

You've talked me into it. contract!
Just our standard contract, nothing fancy.

Fame, fortune, fans, gold records, concerts, world tours, your name in lights.

Take your time, read it all.

Oh, I give up. can I trust you?
Ok, I'll sign.


Where's the ink?

We always use- blood, it's more permanent.

Oh, I don't know, can't we wait for dad?

Oh, sure, I'll be back next year. come on, wease.

Next year? ! oh wait, wait, stop. I'll sign.
What about a band... I know a drummer.

She can't be bothered kid, she's got an interview.
The interview circus is so absurd, and so silly.

How do you feel about your sudden success?

Well, I feel like being a big star is really great, you know.
It's like, fabulous. lonely, too, sometimes.

Oh, that's nice.

This is the biggest thing ever to hit rock!
You're at the top now, sweetie.

Yeah, but where do I go from here?

Don't worry, I want you, we have a bargain.

No, I didn't mean that, wait!

I've been waiting, now it's my turn.


According to our contract, at precisely midnight, at the moment of her greatest triumph,
The party of the first part, that's you, agrees to render up her soul now and forever more
To the party of the second part, that's me.
Shall we go?

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Fathers of goth rock Bauhaus formed in England in 1978. Childhood friends and former band mates Daniel Ash (guitar) brothers David J (bass) and Kevin Haskins (drums) were joined by a friend of Ash's, Peter Murphy (vocals) to form what would become the original goth band. Their first single "Bela Lugosi's Dead" was released in September 1979 and was recorded in a single take, it was originally over nine minutes long; it would never reach UK charts. However it would remain on sale for many years and would eventually be considered the first ever goth song and a classic of the genre. Bauhaus were also known for their eclectic stage persona and Murphy's ability to feed on a crowd's mood and utilise their tensions to embellish his performance. As a result the band became a must-see-live band and a favourite of many British music magazines.

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