
Songtext Old school love Imx


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Old school love

(feat Smooth)

You know you want it baby
You know you need it baby
Come and get it baby
Old school love


When you've been there all this time
The one that I've been thinkin' of

Way back in the day
I had a thing for you
But I was too young
You said it wouldn't be cool
You said give you a call after a year or two
Now the time has passed
And now I'm looking for you

You know you want it baby (I can't fight it)
You know you need it baby (I can't deny it)
Come and get it baby (I wanna try it)
Old school love

It's time you took the time to see
This grown-up man I come to be
All the stages of maturity
I know that you are feeling me
When you've been there all this time
I've been searchin' tryin' to find
The one that I've been thinkin' of
Come and get this old school love

I finally found you
I can't believe it's true
You're lookin' so good
I can't believe it's you
I'm all bent out
So what's it gonna be
Let it flow and fulfill
Your cuiousity

You know you want it baby (I can't fight it)
You know you need it baby (I can't deny it)
Come and get it baby (I wanna try it)
Old school love


I watched you grow up from boys to men
From rollin' high schoolers
To pushin' a chromed out Benz
Went from never lyin' to satisfyin'
7-up sippin', the Lex coupe dippin'
You used to run around the stage
Yeah, rockin' them shows
Now you all grown up
Laced them platinum and gold
Playtime is over ain't no kid no more
You used to rock small theaters
Now it's sold out tours
You turnin' heads, boo
You know the games that you chose
No need for gettin' caught up
In chasin' them hoes
Girls 21 plus, yeah, they waitin' on you
To put it down
Hangin' after shows when you come in town
You know the ones
The ones that used to sleep (I can't fight it)
Yeah, they checkin' now (can't deny it)
(I wanna try it...old school love)


When you've been there all this time
I've been searchin' tryin' to find

It's time you took the time to see
This grown-up man I come to be


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IMx, formerly known as Immature, was an American R&B group, managed by record producer Chris Stokes. Its members included Marques "Batman" Houston (born August 4, 1981) Jerome "Romeo" Jones (born October 25, 1981) and Kelton "LDB" Kessee (born January 2, 1981) all natives of Los Angeles, California, where the group was formed. The group released four albums under the name Immature: On Our Worst Behavior (1992) (which included former member Don "Half Pint" Santos, later replaced by Kessee) Playtyme Is Over (1994) We Got It (1995) and The Journey (1997). In 1999, the group underwent a name change and continued on to release two albums under the name IMx: Introducing IMx (1999) and IMx (2001) and released the Greatest Hits album in 2001. The group

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