Stockyard Stoics

Songtext Not for sale Stockyard Stoics


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Not for sale

There's boozy bores with cocaine sores
Pumped up junked up society whores
Credit cards in old man bars
Guys jacking off in subway cars
Swilling shilling system villians
Shallow sharks gonna make a killing
Wife beating soul eating
Cheating's only fair

We live in a big city
Take a look around
We live in a big city
Just like any other town

There's backstabbing tongues flapping
Last gasp no class ass grabbing
Lechery and treachery
Lobotomy won't set you free
No good low down slippery eels
Push dirty deals and tasty snacks
The dogs are snapping at your heels
You're falling through the cracks

We live in a big city
Take a look around
We live in a big city
Just like any other town

You best get running from the time you hit the ground
There's a man on the street wants a bite to eat
He's got a pain in his brain and sores on his feet
Policeman turns his head annoyed
And the wide-eyed tourist takes a polaroid
Now the man on the street screams bloody hell
And the papers want to know what he's got to sell
While the folks on the street just walk on by
They know his story well
They know the reason why

We live in a big city
Take a look around
We live in a big city
Just like any other town

You best get running from the time you hit the ground

There's a man on the street wants a bite to eat
He's got a pain in his brain and sores on his feet
Politicians turn their heads away
From the moan and the groan of the mounting fray
Now the man on the street screams bloody hell
And the I.S.O. wants him to join their cell
And the papers want to know what he's got to sell
But some things aren't for sale
Never have been never will

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Stockyard Stoics is a group. Their discography includes Stockyard Stoics and Catastrophe. Their most popular genre is Punk.

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