Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext No hands (remix) Waka Flocka Flame


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No hands (remix)

[feat. Gucci Mane, Wale & Roscoe Dash]

Girl the way you movin' got me in a trance
Dj turn me up ladies this yo jam (Come on)
I'm a sip mascato and you gon' loose them pants
And I'm a throw this money while you do it with no hands
Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty go
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I'll proceed to throw this cash

[Waka Flocka Flame:]
All that ass in those jeans kid wale me
Kid and Roscoe speak
Long hair she don't care
When she walks she gets this
Brown skin or a yellow bone
DJ this my favorite song
So I'm a make it thunderstorm
Blood want it flacka yea throw it fuck it I don't care
Glasses flying everywhere tap my partna Roscoe like bruh I'm drunk as hell
Can't you tell, goose we been spent fifty stacks so fuck it
Well I'm tryna to hit the hotel with two girls that's wide awake
Tell this dick and swallow bay mascato got her freaky
Hey you got me in a trans, you take of yo pants
You pop on a handstand you got me sweating please pass me a fan DAMN!

Girl the way you movin' got me in a trance
Dj turn me up ladies dis yo jam "com on"
I'm a sip mascato and you go loose dem pants
And I'm a throw dis money while you do it no hands
Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty goooo
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I'll proceed to throw this cash

[Gucci Mane:]
I need a down south bitch a real boss chick
That's what I need in my life just so I can floss with
I'm the shit miss but oh my goodness you thick
Dancing like you strippin and I love your lipstick
What's the business I got that good dick
I'll hit your kidneys come be a witness
She think I'm trippin her man is slippin
I'm water whippin stay in the kitchen
I got them oatmeal cookies and they going for the nifty
Good collar greens got them bells in the cupboard
That white girl got me rich I think I love her
She don't love me she use me if using me means losing me than move b it's gucci

Girl the way you movin' got me in a trance
Dj turn me up ladies dis yo jam "com on"
I'm a sip mascato and you go loose dem pants
And I'm a throw dis money while you do it no hands
Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty goooo
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I'll proceed to throw this cash

She said look ma no hand, she said look ma no hands
And no darlin' I don't dance and I'm with Roscoe I'm with Waka
I think I deserve a chance I'm a bad motha fucka go and ask them mothafuckas
A young handsome mothafucka I slang that wood I just nunchuck'em
And who you with and what's your name are you not hip boo I'm wale
And that DC shit I rap all day, and my eyes red cause of all that haze
Don't blow my high let me shine drumma on da beat let me take my time
Nigga want beef we can take it outside, fuck it what broad these hoes ain't mine
Is you out yo mind, you out yo league, I sweat no bitches that sweat out weaves
Wear out tracks let me do my thing, I got sixteen for this roscoe thing
But I'm almost done let me get back to it
Hold lot of loud and a lil bag would, whole lotta money big tip by wood
I put it on a train little engine could BITCH!

Girl the way you movin' got me in a trance
Dj turn me up ladies this yo jam (come on)
I'm a sip mascato and you go loose them pants
And I'm a throw this money while you do it no hands
Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty go
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I'll proceed to throw this cash

[Roscoe Dash:]
R-o-s-c-o-e mr.shawty put in on me
I be going ham shorty upgrade from bologna
Them niggas tippin good girl but I can make you flush
'Cause I walk around with pockets that are bigger than my bus
Rain rain go away that's what all my haters say
My pockets stuck on overload my rain never evaporate
No need to elaborate most of these ducks exaggerate
But I'm a get money nigga every day stuntin, nigga duck might get a chance after me
It's a baller like I'm commin' off a free throw, shook yo head in the game no cheat codes
Lambo roscoe no street code 'cause yo booty go me lost like nemo, go go go g-gone and do yo dance
And I'm a throw this money while you do it with no hands GO!

Girl the way you movin' got me in a trance
Dj turn me up ladies this yo jam (Come on)
I'm a sip mascato and you gon' loose them pants
And I'm a throw this money while you do it no hands
Girl drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty go
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move and I'll proceed to throw this cash

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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