The Beatnuts

Songtext Niggas know The Beatnuts


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Niggas know

Niggas know (x3)

Psycho Les:
To fiends my product be their drug
When they see me they give me a pound and a bear hug
Solute and bud, never sober
Nigga Ju scooped me up (in what?) in the black Nova
When we link up, we throw shots, drink up
We conversate in the background bangin'
Is a funky break, with my arm hangin'
Middle finer to State Troop and leave them behind me
Going 90 down the express way, fuck Carlito
Gonna do it the Big Ju and Les way
Beatnuts, got a plan that's brilliant
Gonna blow up the safe that holds up our building

Yo here's the keys son, money and power they sanonymous
So I'm a take mine and form a fortune that be bottomless
Yo never shot a miss, to lose is our the question
Your life could be taken as quick as a suggestion
Killing is deep, well lavishly orchestrated, I hate it
Stated, that I'm never be forgotten
And you still couldn't find an MC that's more rotten

Strategicly we maintain in all reality
Live with the guns to cover all the technicalitites
And crush the falises taht frontin' is legit cause
(real niggas don't talk shit) (X2)

Psycho Les:
Yo dun, there's money to swipe, the juice come thicker
Then Sunny Delight, and my leather black seat reclines
So I can spin around; Pull down the blinds, crack open the wines
My click holds serious faces
And only crack smiles when I pull the briefcases
Out the closet, in the middle of the process, even if I know you
You get shot for spreading gossip
To niggas I don't associate with, if I don't blast your head off
I'll simply break it
Aluminum batted, melon splattered, so unique
Now who the FUCK wanna critique

Yeah it's lovely, yeah man it's lovely indeed (it is lovely)
Bubbly off the Heiny and weed, you can't live
You be lucky if I let you breath
If it ain't about profit nigga I can't see
Try not to blow my high with conversation
Conflict my lead to many assassinations
Blunted in a black Sudan with two Hatians (watching)
While the D's hemmed up these Jamacains, thinkin'
How we gonna carry your ass, and where the FUCK niggas
Gonna bury your ass; See it's over
I could never let that go, say who gotta let niggas know?
Bitch nigga

Hook (x2)

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The Beatnuts are a New York-based hip hop/rap group and production duo from Queens, New York City. Its current members are JuJu and Psycho Les. JuJu (born Jerry Tineo on December 4, 1968) is Dominican American from Corona and Psycho Les (born Lester Fernandez

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