
Songtext Niggas ain't shit Mercedes


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Niggas ain't shit

Monkey on the dick
Monkey on the dick
Monkey on the dick
Monkey on the dick
Say tweerks up niggas
Say tweerks up bitches

(mercedes) (over mia x)
Where they at where they at?

(mia x)
All ya niggas aint shit
They talk a lot of shit
And rag on they dicks
But we dont fell shit

Most of you niggas be talking shit like you dont eat pussy
And wont pay yo bitch
Till we reg you men and got it down
Then they try to stay there till they almost drown
Hold up now where my ladies at who got their mind right
Hard working bitches whos about them riches
Fuck them dead beat niggas with the same old song
Give em 15 minute hard ons we like it long and strong
Or stay the fuck up off of us
Cause we can keep it in longer than yall can keep it up
Lil dick still pissin on your nuts make it bad for real thugs
Who be tearin up the guts
Mercedes is the name and I serves them well
Got the best in the business
A platium v-12
Wanna ride it nigga?
You cant afford to buy it nigga
Cost your whole life savings just to try it nigga
Yall aint shit

(mercedes) (over mia x)
Where they at where they at?

(mia x)
All ya niggas aint shit
They talk a lot of shit
And rag on they dicks
But we dont fell shit
Them niggas wanna holla
But all we want is dollas
Can play us false bitch
Cause you aint about shit

Yall aint shit
They call us hoes and sluts and piegons
Yet your out here trickin and lickin on the love
And still livin wit you mother and beatin yo dick
Why you lookin at my cd cover
What up? get up? mama mia put it down
Im mercedes come to stay on the ground
And I got this
Not your average bitch my shits on balance
Pretty face, nice ass and talent
Never ment to challenge
No limits baby girl
Detorits finest
Ghetto fablous your hiness
Thug queen and even in your dreams Im hittin for your cream
Ya heard me?
Bendin over like 7:30
In your face watch me work it
If I could only find a nigga thats worth it
Cause they aint shit
Now all the ladies say it loud

Chorus x2

Monkey on that dick
Monkey on that dick
Monkey on that dick
Monkey on that
Say tweerts up niggas
Now tweerts up bitches
Say bitch get off me
Say bitch get off me
Back it up for the big body
Dont come and start with me cause I need a 600

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