Indigo Girls

Songtext Never stop (1986 ep) Indigo Girls


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Never stop (1986 ep)

Never Stop" is an Emily Saliers song from the 1986 EP. The last
time I heard it performed was in March of 1990, I think. The lyrics
are transcribed directly from the EP lyric sheet. It's odd in that
it's one of the only IG songs that's gender-specific, in the line
"throw away your hidden ace, you clever man."

Never Stop
You say she's a very good friend,
Circumstances I should understand.
But like recurring tide she comes on to you
And looks as though she's looking for a man
Honey, Don't make yourself so available
My pride's in my pocket, but I can be reasonable
Still, all in all, I forsee my own fall
But I've climbed too far to drop, so stop
I know it's your ego puts the smile on your face
Because you know you got your options open
She's a beguiling snake and she'll keep what she takes
But when she leaves you, I'll be the one coping
Honey, don't make yourself so available
My pride's in my pocket, but I can be reasonable
Still, through and through I can see clean through you
I know you like to be the one on top, but stop!
You will miss my conversation when you're talking to yourself
You'll be thumbing for advice through the pages of the novels on your
Honey, don't you see our love together's the very best bet
Put your focus on me and I'll forgive and forget
Throw away your hidden ace, you clever man, take my hand
You needn't play the part of your image
This is not a one act play we're living
As long as I'm here the situation is clear
It'll be 50/50 take and giving
Honey don't you see a lifetime's not much to ask
take off your costume and remove your mask
If yes is what you will say we're gonna satrt from today
We're gonna take it to the very top
Never stop

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The Indigo Girls are Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, the folk rock singer-songwriters who got together in 1980. They are known for their socially and politically conscious lyrics.

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