
Songtext Neighbourhood watch Skepta


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Neighbourhood watch

The amount of money I'm gonna be making will hurt your parent's feelings. Remember the class where I, taught you all how to make it rain? That's what I'm going to be doing, every single night

The price just went up in the brand new whip, got the neighbours watching (Ay, ay)
Trying to get paid, get gwop in
Man talk shit now the mandem is on him (On him)
He was out champagne popping
Don't ask I don't know who got him (No)
Everyday man scream peace and love
But God knows that the beef ain't stopping (All'a 'dat)
The price just went up in the brand new whip, got the neighbours watching
Trying to get paid, get gwop in
Man talk shit now the mandem's on him (Ay, ay)
He was out champagne popping
Don't ask I don't know who got him (Ay, ay)
Everyday man scream peace and love
But God knows that the beef ain't stopping (Hmm, hmm)

When you mention me (L)
You better mention real
Better mention that I shell down shows with gang and I'm out here still (Drilling)
Mention the fact I could rise up 100k, no major deal (Indeed)
Put me down as king or governor any time you mention drill (Hm)
More time I should have been at home billing itBut I was outside drilling it
I've come a long way from brucking down Zs, sitting down clinging it (Uh-huh)
Stage shows, I'm bringing it
Award shows, I'm bringing it
Any mash, I'm filling it
Any whip, I'm whizzing it
You know bro's linging it
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean, you fool?
How can you diss L and think that every 'ting's cool? (Huh?)
I done burst man, I flew birds when you were chatting shit with your friends in school
I know mental; that's K
So I get why these niggas hiding their jewels
Its all risky trying to bring joints to a show
Got a toolbox with tools (Hmm)
It's all ments if this whip gets pulled

The price just went up in the brand new whip, got the neighbours watching (Ay, ay)
Trying to get paid, get gwop in
Man talk shit now the mandem is on him (On him)
He was out champagne popping
Don't ask I don't know who got him (No)
Everyday man scream peace and love
But God knows that the beef ain't stopping (All'a 'dat)
The price just went up in the brand new whip, got the neighbours watching
Trying to get paid, get gwop in
Man talk shit now the mandem's on him (Ay, ay)
He was out champagne popping
Don't ask I don't know who got him (Ay, ay)
Everyday man scream peace and love
But God knows that the beef ain't stopping (Hmm, hmm)

This ain't a freestyle, this is expensive talk (Hmm)
Back then 18.40 yes I was taking shorts
Now you want the SK air better jump on eBay, that's an expensive walk (Six, six)
Pulled up to the after party looking like I just stepped in sauce
And they can't keep up, no it just won't last
Man diss me and i think it's funny 'cause mans printing money when I spit these bars
Better get a new plan, better think it fast
Put badness in the past
If I make corn fly
Better know I make it fly—business class
Next year it's about cribs and cars
I tell them, "Don't watch my chain"
Try take this and I'll talk your soul
I don't even watch the games
My young niggas phone me like it's a goal
SK level means they know wagwan
Murder anything moving
When I got the mic in my palm
What do you mean who's on the beat motherfucker? That's Carns

The price just went up in the brand new whip, got the neighbours watching (Ay, ay)
Trying to get paid, get gwop in
Man talk shit now the mandem is on him (On him)
He was out champagne popping
Don't ask I don't know who got him (No)
Everyday man scream peace and love
But God knows that the beef ain't stopping (All'a 'dat)
The price just went up in the brand new whip, got the neighbours watching
Trying to get paid, get gwop in
Man talk shit now the mandem's on him (Ay, ay)
He was out champagne popping
Don't ask I don't know who got him (Ay, ay)
Everyday man scream peace and love
But God knows that the beef ain't stopping (Hmm, hmm)

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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