Brother Ali

Songtext Nardwuar Brother Ali


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I was so turnt up off the interview I did with Nardwuar
I took the records home that he gave me and made a beat out of it
Matter of fact made a whole song
Check it out

Who are you?
I am Brother Ali, sir
Brother Ali, welcome to Vancouver Bridge Columbia Canada
Thank you, I’ve been waiting all my life to make this happen

They say baby you’re not a star
You’re too underground and too avangarde
Can nobody tell you how hot you are
When you’re chillin with motherfuckin Nardwuar

I’ve been around the world a couple times
TSA know my name and then we cut the line
I powder the skin, now could you please keep the back of your hand off my groind and my but this time
My cellphone full of his holes
Underground rappers, activists and weird hos
Shot G Cornell, where’s the motto tack
I go Lou base joint but I ain’t found him yet
You let me tell you what I came about
10 years and my flame never faded out
I, and I didn’t have to go the major route
I dropped six joints, they all sold the same amount
On 7 I was billboard 6-9
Same sales but I’m full for it this time
So out the whole industry in the decline
I didn’t have to dig rhymes, still sitting just fine

They say baby you’re not a star
You’re too underground and too avangarde
Can nobody tell you how hot you are
When you’re chillin with motherfuckin Nardwuar

I’m on tour again hopping out the splinter van
I’m drive and earn it just to keep you with the friends
Hit the bass, see the muslims and visit them
I got a lotta fam, that my man 50 gram
Love the role, but I must admit I miss the fam
Hit the miliac and just had to kiss the sand
Rack 50 50 Zan
Bruh so roaches so we be the diner plan
On scallie, all my clothes all in the sand
ESPN 50, man Al Bano never get a tan
I hear the bandhead spin like a ceiling fan
I calm down off me to some old sinner man
Got my lady with me, tryna be a different man
The ice blue ocean water got her in a trance
Bout to get in there, none of yall prisoners
I took a glance in the mirror and I did my dance

They say baby you’re not a star
You’re too underground and too avangarde
Can nobody tell you how hot you are
When you’re chillin with motherfuckin Nardwuar

Run from trashy to hashtag pimp classy
My most lucrative years I was the least happy
On first tour, man BK were comin up
We had to sleep on the floor and spend a hundred bucks
Every audience we saw tried to front no nerds
Had to shut em all up, and it was fun as fuck
9 days, it’s like shoppin with the trendy team
I’m tryin to find a happy medium, that’s what I mean
Voice all rasby
The big magazines no longer halla at me
Protest and arrest song in my rap sheet
Home man security, security 5 that’s my clan name
Beautiful women always been attracted to him
Off the fact of music, now let’s do him
So when they lift they shirt over they ribs
It’s not to show me their tits
Bet you could proof that I spit and got it tatted to em

(Hook x2)
They say baby you’re not a star
You’re too underground and too avangarde
Can nobody tell you how hot you are
When you’re chillin with motherfuckin Nardwuar

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