
Songtext My web Maxim


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My web

Distort your mind, corrupt children of all kinds
Your intellect I deform and warp, in my storm is where you're caught
Reinstate your faith, your only faith is me they love to hate
I'm the true dealer, with me they're familiar

Caught up in my web, you got me caught up in your head
I'm the shadow dark, that hides behind your heart
Dr Jekyll inside, if you'll be Mr Hyde
Try to control me, try to control me

Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head

Systems I pollute, come bite my forbidden fruit
Stain your environment, chalk up my bad influence
Saturate reality, go to battle with your sanity
The human race I exploit, and I leave you no choice

Flood and overflow your cranium, what's the millennium?
Personality not present, overturn your only innocence
Suffocate your desire, set your vivid force on fire
Into my world which you brought, prepare for second onslaught

Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head

I'll stunt your growth, degrade your self-esteem, leave you no hope
Bleach your eyes with turpentine, tamper with the cord in the spine
Subside your love-life, separate the yolk from the white
I'm the true creator, mind decapitator

I'm the evil that lurks, the pain inside that hurts
Spike your dreams, plant my thoughts obscene, unclean
Impregnate your ears, when you hear me, it's me you fear
Me they hate the most, oh fuck, here comes the third dose

Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head

With me they're familiar

Dissect you, detect my style like Ceaucescu
Sell your soul, libido, jeopardise, pulverise your ego
Dice and slice your skills, your pride inside I kill
Show no remorse, you shouldn't play with the true force

Terminate and scandalise, damage, expose, rectify
You best fake your death, after me there'll be nothing left
Abuse and torture, lyrically bring the lamb to the slaughter
Increase my pace, style four direct in your face

Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head
Caught up in my web
You got me caught up in your head

With me they're familiar

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Keith Andrew Palmer (born 21 March 1967, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England) known by his stage name Maxim, is an English singer-songwriter and MC, famous for his work with electronica band The Prodigy.

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