
Songtext Morning spank Custom


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Morning spank

you lie and cheat i might have to beat you you stab my back i might put the heat to you dont drag your feet you
know you have to face me its not just once that youve disgraced me

layout your soul get rid of the weakness dont diss your boys over some princess girls come and go but friends are a life
sentnce i'd walk away but your one of my best friends

there is no piece of ass worth a friendship
there is no piece of ass worth a friendship

a friend doesnt let a friend bang another friend's girlfriend

there is no piece of ass worth a friendship

dumb enough to go there nothing will mend it
no matter the excuses or just how loose she is
what will follow wont pay for the juiciness

dude but dude
i dont know
i dont know what to say

i am a fucking idiot
i never should've gotten into it
and i will never do it again
i am a fucking idiot
i never should've gotten into it
and i will never do it again

i felt at the moment the two were introduced
he's just the type and she's a toulouse
so i took him aside
tld him she was with "D"
he said what do i look like a fucking lewinsky

two weeks later she was greased up
and screaming
the story came out
full details of reaming
so everyone hates everyone
it's all fucked up
by L.A.'s worst starjocking slut

there is no piece of ass worth a friendship
a friend doesnt let a friend bang another friend's girlfriend
there is no piece of ass worth a friendship
a friend doesnt let a friend bang another friend's girlfriend

dude but dude
i dont know

say i am a fucking idiot
i never should've gotten into it
and i will never do it again
say say say
i am a total piece of shit and undeniable hypocrite i promise not to do it again

your mind's a blank
your face a prank
like you took it point blank
got runover by a tank
low rank frank
no lower than you sank
when all by yourself
you're the world's biggest wank
with only you to thank
ass butthole stank
belching with all your own
piss you drank
and your own green spunk
from your morning spank
on your way to a dumpster
with an armful of crank

there is no piece of ass worth a friendship
dumb enough to go there nothing will mend it
there is no piece of ass worth a friendship
dumb enough to go there nothing will mend it
nothing will mend it
i dont recommend it
i dont recommend it nothing


i am a fuckingg idiot
should've never gotten into it
i'm a fucking idiot
i'm a fucking idiot
into it
into it
into it

do do do
do it again

say say say

do it again

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