
Songtext Mice Aitch


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Put me off

Got a couple statements to make and some papers to chase
I've been grafting all year, still ain't taking a break
Fam, I need to vacate, get my shades out the case
Trust me, can't nobody?ever'throw'shade on the?
Aitch (Woh)
Shame itàain't ever easy, had to wait for my play
Had the promises were made but man are blatantly fake
Had to change up my ways, I just weighed up the game
Now the radio plays, that's just making me cake (Ah-ah)
Look it's Deezy, got your girlfriend in the feelings
Then I'm linking Simon, talking millions in meetings
Nineteen years old, four bills and we go eatin'
And nineteen on the plate, four circles on the key ring (Skrrt)
Looking at the charts, come like looking in the mirror
Murdered every feature, when you greet me, call me killer (Uh)
Rapper, not a preacher, God forgive me, I'm a sinner
But I know you got my back so I give thanks before my dinner
Hottest younger in the UK, give a fuck what you say
They was poppin' back then, cuzzy it's a new day
Rapping 'bout a MAC-10, you're thirty, it's too late
Winding up your guns, you're not worthy, it's too fake, uh
Choppin' rhythms up with YG, gotta whip a new tate
Blockin' women out my life, yeah, I ain't got time for you babe
Box of liquor on my driver, tryna' find a new wave
Call the rider when outside and get inside the new shape (Haha)
Taking a piss, ain't popped a pill but I'm taking a trip
Straight to the moon and then straight to the booth
Go and lace up my shoes and head straight to your bitch
Basically I'm going crazy with this
You ain't taming me, please stay away from the kid
Hit the belly, now I can't stay away from the fridge
Really poppin', you ain't stoppin' me, I am made for this shit
One step, two step, killer rapper, who's nextà
Pussy, am the truth so don't every get the youth vexxed
Doing what I do, I'm making moves, I got my crew set
Headlocking the game, gonna finish it with a suplex
I've been killing it, seriously where the fuck have you been?
Beat the odds, I've got the haters, every point got proven
Let me in and now they sit because your boys a new sense
Take the piss a little bit, but you can't knock the movement
Mum and dad are happy, shit been taking off
And they ain't got to worry 'bout a mortgage 'cause I paid it off
Had to take my shot because I really couldn't take my job
Now I'm making guapies, kinda hard to find a way to not, haha
With my baby cakes I'm baking off
You know she love the baby face, it's bake, she call me babe a lot
I take her on a date but turns out she really made the spot
Sexy with the make-up, but sexier when she take it off
Someone calm me down, I'm on fire, this shit be flamin' hot
Sick of celebrating, all the herders they were taking shots
All I get is W's, this winning got me faded off
Speak my mind every time I see the mic
Say it how it is, I just be me fam I don't need to lie
Easy with it G, I bring the P's to keep my peace of mind
Do it for the cake and I won't sleep until I eat a slice
But don't fuck about us, I swear I put the shotters down
You're lucky if I take a break, you're fucked if I put something out
Put the beat to bed, cut my check and then I'm cuttin' out
Zubby to the head, this kushy cookie got me buggin' out
Why the men pretending like they're fucking with the kid?
Indirectly sending got you looking like a bitch
I got love for everyone but trusting them's a myth
Live your life upon [?]

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