Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Memory loss (featuring sean lennon) Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Memory loss (featuring sean lennon)

You try to get over your gonna go under
You try to get over your gonna go under
Literally it's 3030
I don't got time to be wasting time on you slow pokes
I want y'all to, get open, like the ocean
Brothers be buggin like "He's from Oakland?"
What? I'll whoop you insinuatin we ain't capable
Stupid ass niggas is gonna rape a hoe
A few out a thousand
My town is foundin fathers of the black panthers we provide answers
You don't wanna believe then y'all are some blind bastards
They got you set up real good you're generalizing
Industry rising while energies reclining
Niggas think I'm whinin but I really don't give a shit
Cause everybody's dyin but y'all think that's the end of it
That's why it's so easy to be a Benedict
Or imitate cause they wouldn't teach ya algebra when you was eight
Now you fourty-eight and you hate children
Forgot where you came from now your straight illin
Don't fight the feelin
You better deal with it
It don't matter what you do or say
Try to get away but I'm gonna catch ya
Wanna compare your self to them
Well guess what homeboy you don't match up
I'm my own individual so I know it isn't true just 'cause you say it is
'cause anything that's truth got proof it ain't you
That's simply just the way it is
Del: sing
[Sean Lennon]
Lookin up the sky is red
City's burning up over head (flame on baby)
We can make the best of it Del: (rock that)
In this post apocolypse (right on)
I'm on some real shit
So real brothers feel this
Cause we know reality is crazy
That's why nothin amaze me
Look in the past
You might have to go farther then the book in your class
My niggas cookin some crack and moms gets the first hit
That's ok with you? that's ok with me
I'm not here to judge the way you be
I got my own ccomplications the governmen't shoeless rations
Plantations is manlabor for 5 bucks for hourly intervels
I get a G for that
So believe what I spit to you is given back
Don't think that I'm livin that dream
When the I.R.S reposes most of your cream
It's like I dream when I die I wake up
I see all the people I disrespected and try to make up
It's praise to the creator, relate to nature

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