Souls Of Mischief

Songtext Medication Souls Of Mischief


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We meditate, we meditate to educate
Educate we meditate to elevate

Now its the rhyme ripper fittin to split ya
Spine to your liver
Flash like a line sniffer Im swifter
Than michael jordan snortin some speed
And Ill give ya
Much more than you need yo fly nigga
Scorin the weed sticky greenll make me high quicker
Twistin it and mixin it with bacardi lime liquor
Beligerent kickin it with (tati on? ) the time ticker
You could be a dyin man with a mic but Im sicker
You rhyme wack as I bust like leon isaac
Makin peons slide back
That dont be on the right track, we way off
So now they stay soft like impotence
But I say naw, Id rather stay raw
Magnificent rippin it
Givin it all I can though
Plus I handle devious scandals
Mischievous commando!!
Luchini like camp lo
Wreckin the beats
Gettin embassys executive cheese

[phesto dee]
Im the loose cannon aid on deck
Detonate in a millisec
Covered in a blackened silloutte
And still reflects enough light
To shatter your body like a pinyata
Bobofet or
Jim cata doin lyrical kapoeta
The net to netta
Smokin purple fibers off the hedges
Till its resin
And pledge allegiance
To the essence
Confront phes rock
Ever present with hesitance
My tongue twistin tornadoes
Never miss your residence
You cackling cacophonies
Me and the mike is holy matrimony
Tackling your phony flow matrix
You couldnt absorb or deflect the impact
With roll cages
The soul aces
Take you to that oasis


We meditate to educate
Make my mind luminous
Avoid the tricky and the ruth-eless
Movin swift
The juggernaut force
We maneuver this rap game
What the bumboclat
Woman act strange
And get tipsy off the fat chain,
Nigga splurgin at the bar and thinkin thats game
Till they get you for your chevy
If you lack
Lack brains
The facts
The facts change

Latch onto my concept
In the context of conquest
I capture, your conscience
Move upon you with logic
But its so deep up in ya
Aint no way you fittin to dislodge that
I mean way up in ya
Bend your mind like a fender
How the (bought? ) of my new agenda
My deluge of lewd yet shrewd mental food will wet you
And your crew
So eschew from testin my standard issue
Let alone the cannons and missles for heavy damage aimed at those
Grandstanding with petty anti-antics
Cant match those, handcrafted by my many mechanics
Whos skills run the gamut who will run the planet
Any time I exert my will its outstandin
To the point where you gotta hand it or hate and be mad
It dont matter to me
Over a bed of fresh beats its style au natural with no additives

Even if you brandishing guns and break laws
I make you let the pistol go and praise god
A dynamo
Shinin on the mike like a quasar
They cant infiltrate the steel cage brain star
Im feelin blood hounds all on my trail
Like my was peruvian candy
Not a fugitive
Truly expanding minds with rhymes with the family
Who be gettin higher than the andes
The way I plant seeds deep in the underground
Make the thunderous pound to get your heart pumpin
Spark up the kryptonite
People gettin lit tonite
Indica-like, to try to simplify try


[opio: talking]
We meditate, to educate, educate
We meditate, to educate, to educate
We meditate, meditate to educate
We meditate, to educate, elevate
We meditate, to educate, elevate
We meditate, to educate
We meditate, to educate
Make my mind luminous

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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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