
Songtext Make it work Tyga


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Make it work

aye, nigga, what that work like?
aye, bitch, what that work like?
you know me i've been trappin' with it all night
niggas wanna take it there, we can take it there, all night

aye nigga, raww with the drama
i'll bring it to your face, cook it like benihana's
then ride out on yokohamas
and my fingernails dirty, i've been countin' straight 100's
why these niggas wanna test me on the low though?
got no mothafuckin' patience so i'm patient with the scope though
put your potty mouth on the low
sleepin' with the enemy, it's like hangin' on a rope
jim carrey, i ain't fuckin' with you liars
all black attire, if we match it fuel the fire
it's time and we aimin' for the body
i'm puttin' x's on the wall, if you resurrect, you makaveli
sphinx, i'm a pharaoh, ain't a fairy
potato on the barrel, watch your soul fly like a sparrow
all my niggas thorough about dinero
nigga never was my homie, all these bitches know you're corny nigga

aye, nigga, what that work like?
aye, bitch, what that work like?
you know me, i've been trappin' with it all night
niggas wanna take it there, we can take it there all night
aye, nigga, what that work like?
aye, bitch, what that work like?
'bout your money, you've been trappin' with it all night
bitches wanna take it there, you gon' take it there all night

i make that money reappear
hoppin' off the leer, ain't no passengers in here
i got d'usse poppin', no beer
why you in my ear? i can hear the money clear
when i'm back in the city and it's clear
my name in the sky with the lights on the field
i'm a gold chain buyin' pioneer
got that rikki in the trunk and i pop it if a nigga liar
papa's got a brand new bag, baby, goyard
cash, baby, maybach rag baby, yeah baby
lk frames on the dash, smashin' the fast lane
with a baddy, mane, ass, got a fatty, mane
tattoos, vera wang, g5, hydroplane
last kings, everything (everything?) everything
cartier love rings, but this ain't no love thing
married to them green things, franklins and money trees

aye, nigga, what that work like?
aye, bitch, what that work like?
you know me, i've been trappin' with it all night
niggas wanna take it there, we can take it there all night
aye, nigga, what that work like?
aye, bitch, what that work like?
'bout your money, you've been trappin' with it all night
bitches wanna take it there, you gon' take it there all night

take it there all night, nigga
we can take it there all night, nigga
gettin' money all night, nigga
and your bitch with me all night, nigga
we can take it there all night, nigga
take it there all night, nigga
i'll be on the first flight, nigga
you ain't on this jet flight, nigga

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