Sunz Of Man

Songtext Lulla bye Sunz Of Man


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Lulla bye

feat Zodiac Killah
[Chorus: Hell Razah]
I stalk in the land where the world's gonna end
Life is a game that the blacks never win
You can't look back, when the devils on attack
Or be the next victim inside this deathtrap
[Hell Razah]
When I stalk, I take a deep breath of death
In the atmosphere, then I prepare to meet my enemy
I leave ya lost inside a mental maze
Like bad memory plus a overdose of amnesia
Equals brain seisures
With no warning, too prejudice
Critics who don't pee wee judgin us had gimmicks
Why die think they rappers
Cuz they study the dictionaries
Is life is a cycle from ya birthday to the cemeteries?
My third eye, describe the fantasy world alive
I eat food for thought, on Thanksgiving
Instead of celebrating, the killin of the Indians
My brain potential turn me into a mental maniac
You think ya zaniac, when I'm outsane
Creating more mysterious, curious shit than a Dr. Strange
Had a full capacity fillin ya open dome like a cavity
Too many tragedies, caused by demons that lack on strategy
My intellectual concepts is logic, ya disect, blood spill, white spill
Study it for my test, a life of death escapes
Burn like the equator to eliminate ya face
The doors of hell is closin by minute we deathtrapped in it
I'm searchin for the beginning, but the end, they let me win it
I'm alergic to murder futures, in the price time the evidence is mine
Think beyond, right now, I can hear souls of the innocent
Crying in pain, every year, only we had no real ears
to hear the fear
The ritual wounds, I glide, cuz the dark days will raid skies
And it will rain pain on the insane devils in the sky
When under pressure, ya can't stand still on ya own flatl

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Sunz of Man is a Wu-Tang Clan affiliated group that currently consists of Prodigal Sunn, Hell Razah, 60 Second Assassin, Shabazz the Disciple and Killah Priest. The group's first incarnation also included 7th Ambassador and Supreme. Along with Gravediggaz and Killarmy, Sunz of Man is one of the most popular acts affiliated with the Wu-Tang Clan.

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