Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Love story Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Love story

Yo yo yo, check this out man
1 for you, 2 for me
3 for you, 15 for me
20 for you... now check it out
I just won 10 grand in the Galactic
Rhyme Federation championship, so I'm lampin a bit
I feel like returnin to Earth and burnin some herb
I'm sick of lookin at the inside of space stations
Time for Deltron to take a vacation
My expertise in aviation got us to our destination (where?)
The East Bay
My living quarters is completely froze solid
I thaw it out with a heat ray
Now I'm chillin in a sauna, pulsating jet streams
Peeping out in virtual reality my wet dreams
Perusing my 21st century classic comics, the fun is astronomic
(ha ha ha) I figured since I'm here I'll renew my galactic passport
So I'm not persecuted by no galactic assholes
Schemers on the ave
With their holographic hat-tricks
Using magnetism to pick-pocket citizens
Tourists walk around with memory apprehension glasses
They attempt to capture
The past tense
Virtual junkies, burnt out and lost
War veterans still trapped in the Holocaust
Yes I know all the answers
Living in my true love's arms
I'm sittin on the porch readin Cosmopolitan
Peepin all these dumb hoes with enhanced collagen
I'm calling in sick today
Big mistake
This resulted in a final pay check and pink slip ?
Replaced by my successor cause I missed my place
Knowin that the Rhyme Federation will miss my face
(fuck y'all)
Referred to as a big disgrace
Now I'm free-lance with more risk to take
Now a rhymin merc, finding certified androids
Hit a convention, signin autographs for fan-boys
They admire
My enhanced stanzas
And how I dodge man-hunts
And security cameras
Avoided apprehension in sub-atomic dimensions
And even more impressive cause of what we livin
A self contained environment, I suggest I'm just a minor threat
I see a thing of beauty fly as heck, standing by her desk
Paid her my respects, I was too scared to try to step
So I deployed one of my androids with dialect
Synthesized with my voice perfectly replicated
Asked for her name, and was she married?
"No we're separated"
Baby... baby you're looking real fine...
Your behind, you got 3 booty cheeks...
That's kind of unique for... for a ?
What say me and you hit the hot spot over at your house ?
I got a few sandwiches ? eaten
Yo it's cool though, you got one eye ? trippin though
Listen you, me and you, we gon' ?, we gon' far, go all the way to Mars
Venus... we'll go to Venus if you want to
Venus, Paris... ?
Yes I know all the answers
Living in my true love's arms (2x)

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