Tyler Ward

Songtext Love like valentine Tyler Ward


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Love like valentine

You unexpectedly lost me
Couldn't get me to fall
Was this your plan now all along because
Your final makeup, was finally shut down
Now you're a memory that I cannot put down

And all the words I left unsaid (I think I miss you now)
A love like Valentine with roses in your bed
God I hope you come back soon (I'm here for the turnaround)
Cause everything you were just shot me to the moon

Maybe I was wrong
Maybe this time you were right
I should have held on, I should have put up a fight
Cause you were leaving me intoxicated
By the way you held me
The way you turned off the lights

And all the words I left unsaid (I think I miss you now)
A love like Valentine with roses in your bed
God I hope you come back soon (I'm here for the turnaround)
Cause everything you were just shot me to the moon

Cause you're the only one who ever understood me
And you're the fire that lays across the sky
I say I'm sorry with the hope this isn't over

Yeah, I wasn't saving this dance for anyone in particular
Uneducated to the ways of love, studied like it was part of my curricular
To love you anymore than I have already didn't really have to command the decks to see the relation of this ship was getting unsteady
Now that I got my tux fitted, for the task I'm suited
For the petals of the rose now cover the shores of Cali
Leaving the meaning of love translucent.

These are the words I never said (Cause you're the only one who ever understood me)
I'll love you more than you could ever understand
A Love like Valentine won't do (I'll say I'm sorry with the hope this isn't over)
Cause I'll move the earth, the Sun, the Moon
Till you realize I'm waiting here for you

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