Arab Strap

Songtext Love detective Arab Strap


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Love detective

We slept in this morning and she had to get ready in a hurry - no time for her usual attention to detail - and she ran out the door, slamming it behind her, leaving her keys swinging and janglin
Stayed in bed until I heard the downstairs door shut, then peeked through the blinds and as soon as she was out of sight, I went for the keys. she never tried to make a secret of the box or the
It was locked or even where she kept it. but as I said at the time - if youve nothing to hide, why hide it?

Its one of those wee red cashbox things and she keeps it in a drawer by the bed, under some pictures and books. every key she has is on the same keyring - it took me a while to find the right o
Dont know, I suppose Ive had my doubts for a while. theres been hushed phone-calls virtually every night, her friends stop talking when I come in the room and they look at each other, and i
Know, its just a feeling. anyway, I eventually found the right key and it fitted perfectly in. I put the box on top of the bed and opened it up...

There were these pictures of friends and exs, letters, postcards, doodles, nothing bad - and then I found some sort of sex diary and I went to the latest entry. it explicity detailed a recent a
Ure up the park with a boy she said she had forgotten about...

And it got worse as it went on. the dates never made sense, there were people I had never even heard of. eventually I had to stop reading it because I started to feel sick. so I put everything b
He way I found it, shut the drawer and phoned you. see, I dont know what to do. I keep having fantasies about leaving her dictaphone under the pillow or following her when she goes to work. iv
N lying about where Im going, just in case I can bump into her.

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Scottish miserablists Arab Strap were a musical duo from Falkirk. They marked themselves out with their brooding sound and honest stories. Touching on disappointing trips to petrol stations, weekend watching of The Simpsons, and getting by in a world where the local pub can on occasion contain every girl you have ever slept with, Arab Strap presented a touching and gritty take on contemporary Scottish life. In 2006 the band completed a farewell tour entitled Ten Years of Tears.

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