
Songtext Little asshole Sr-71


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Little asshole

Hey, little asshole!
I thought I told you to stay out of my room?

My daddy used to call me little asshole,
when he got home from work every night
That's because I used to break everything he owned,
everything that he thought was nice
At 65, he's getting old, daddy's getting a little slow
Now I'm gonna break everything else he owns, tonight

It all started back in '77,
when god sent this angel down from heaven
You hoped I'd become the king of my class,
but I turned out to be a royal pain in the ass
You decided to call me Mitch, well, paybacks are a bitch
And I guess I'm just the punishment for your past

My daddy used to call me little asshole,
(Little asshole!)
when he got home from work every night
That's because I used to break everything he owned,
everything that he thought was nice
Well, 65 is getting old, daddy's getting a little slow
Now I'm gonna break everything else he owns, tonight

You decided to send me off to Shepherd Pratt*,
where they said "Sir, we'll take care of your little brat"
First, they diagnosed me with hyperactivity,
then they said I had A B C D E F'in' G
Said I'd be a problem child, always just a little wild
Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

My daddy used to call me little asshole,
(Little asshole!)
when he got home from work every night
That's because I used to break everything he owned,
everything that he thought was nice
Well, 65 is getting old, daddy's getting a little slow
Now I'm gonna break everything else he owns, tonight

I can hear him say...
"Hey, little asshole!
I thought I told you to stay out of my room?"

Daddy thought he wasted all his money,
sending me off to the university
But he didn't realize my long-term scheme,
only 5-and-1-half years to get my degree
When I got home, I'd never guess,
daddy had a new address
and the note said there was no room there for me!

My daddy used to call me little asshole,
(You little asshole!)
when he got home from work every night
(What the hell did you do now?)
That's because I used to break everything he owned,
everything that he thought was nice
Well, 65 is getting old, daddy's getting a little slow
I think it's time for me to go, the basement's getting mighty cold,
but not before I break everything else tonight

I can hear him say
"Hey, little asshole!
I thought I told you to stay out of my room?
Hey, little asshole!
I thought I told you to stay out of my room?"

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SR-71 is an American alternative rock band that was formed in Baltimore, Maryland. They are best known for their 2000 single "Right Now", their 2002 single "Tomorrow", and as the authors of Bowling for Soup's 2004 hit "1985" (which was released first on their album Here We Go Again). The name of the band came from SR-71 Blackbird, a supersonic surveillance aircraft of the United States Air Force. The band was originally known as Honor Among Thieves, and as would be the case with SR-71, singer/songwriter/guitarist Mitch Allan was the only constant member.

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