Souls Of Mischief

Songtext Last night Souls Of Mischief


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Last night

Last night!

Was incredible, unforgetable
Seen some ass mcs
Had to letem know

Last night!

Had put my thang down
Got my thang on
Did my thug thang
It wasnt a thang wrong

Last night!

I thought it was just my mic level
I cant hear myself & plus turn up the echo

Last night!

[phesto dee]
I took a five hour plane flight
Spittin at my homegirl via satellite

Last night!

Idea was top the secret
And you wouldnt belive it unless you peeped it
She was off the chain, all-terrain
All insane alcohol stalled her brain
Last night I caught the right weed
Had my body slow-mo but thoughts at light speed (last night!)
Was a long one I was on one, a strong one
Smoke it til its all done

Last night!

We out we out we out
Forty miles over the speed limit
On target like a bullet to the knees
From the swat team when im
Shootin these in em
Trigger kamikaze but two shots are hidden then
Step into the station (pass a-plea the venom)
So we can take a sip and let the poison get in em
Ink off the mic like a vortex without a bitch or a lex
I get more affection
Payin no attention cause I learned my lesson
Cold hearted bitterness so I never sweat them (last night!)
Starstruck the hollywood hoes in action
Master your high watch out they backstabbin

Last night!

[phesto dee]
Chillin where the city lights flash bright
Burning rubber in a riddle livin in the fast life
Thats right
I saw the last of my ids
One too many a dem long island ice teas
Act right
You thought you was the life of the party
Feelin light hearted off the lime and bacardi (last night!)
I seen your girl at a red light
Too conditioned for your highness but we did it all night

Last night!

Last night I spend my whole night out
Met some hoes outta fest for low riders
Mind hunters, lip gloss shine & hypnotizin minor men
And like a fool I invite em into my ride
When we was already high but with tequila sunrises
Jack & mai tais
It was all over
Wished I stayed sober cause I dont know what
Happened and niggas keep on laughing (last night!)
Oh thats right
You was poppin at the cutie with the big backside

Last night!

Yeah I was watchin movies on my sofa
Knowin susied soon be comin over

Last night!

[phesto dee]
I cracked a cold one
Then I smoked some but lost a whole bunch

Last night!

We lit up the premium blend
Hit it again and again and make the world spin

Last night!

[phesto dee]
I rolled across the golden gate bridge
Headed for the o with pep and jay-biz

Last night!

I got paid before and laid after
(up in? ) the mic and broke bread at the tabernacle

Last night!

Im sleepin from drinkin too early in the evenin
And hennessy had me hurlin and heavin

Last night!

Last night I broke on through to that side
Party til my body capsized

Last night!

[phesto dee]
I saw the (locs plus its off the tushes? )
Lookin voluptuous in capris and petal pushers
Hair brushes had us watchin for the black and whites
Evadin the sobriety checks and spotlights

Last night!

I smoked a bomb sack facial
Then I got a call from this girl I hate bro (what? )
She said Im comin by dont think that Im a h-o
Im thinkin how you know I was on the eighth floor?

Last night!

Last night was scorchin, blazin
An overload of endorphins
This motorola is just torchin
Act like I be actin brazen
Ak the ladies
I may push it but dont force it

Last night!

This way configurate when we skate in a caravan
Kickin up dust and disappear in a sand storm
Mash on the gas aim direct and escape
To the next experience we do it heavyweight

Lat night!

Got pulled over by the po-pers
Wasnt sober they let me go but they took all of my dosia

Last night!

[phesto dee]
We was compact deep in the backseat
Goin tone deaf from distorted fifteens

Last night!

Check it out they was movin too slow
I was in the fast lane with the cruise control

Last night!

If you missed us catch us next time we ride
Cuz you know we do it right

Last night!

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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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