Brian Eno

Songtext King's lead hat Brian Eno


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King's lead hat

Lyrics in parentheses are sung in parallel with main lyric

Dark alley (dark alley) black star
Four turkeys in a big black car
The road is shiny (bright shine) the wheels slide
Four turkeys going for a dangerous ride
The lacquer crackles (black tar) the engines roar
A ship was turning broadside to the shore
Splish splash I was raking in the cash
The biology of purpose keeps my nose above the surface (ooh)
Kings lead hat put the innocence inside her, it will come, it will come, it will surely come
Kings lead hat was a mother to desire, it will come, it will come, it will surely come

In new delhi (smelly delhi) and hong kong
They all know that it wont be long
I count my fingers (digit counter) as night falls
And draw bananas on the bathroom walls
The killer cycles (humdrum) the killer hertz
The passage of my life is measured out in shirts
Time and motion (motion carried) time and tide
All I know and all I have is time and time and tide is on my side
Kings lead hat put the poker in the fire, it will come, it will come, it will surely come
Kings lead hat was a mother to desire, it will come, it will come, it will surely come

The weapons ready (ready freddy) the guns purr
The satellite distorts his voice to a slur
He gives orders (finger pie) which no one hears
The kings hat fits over their ears
He takes his modicate (indecipherable) cold turpentine
He tries to dial out 999999999
He dials reception (moving finger) hes all alone
Hes just a victim of the telephone
Kings lead hat made the amazon much wider, it will come, it will come, it will surely come
Kings lead hat put the poker in the fire, it will come, it will come, it will surely come
Kings lead hat was a mother to desire, it will come, it will come, it will surely come
Kings lead hat put the innocence inside her, it will come, it will come, it will surely come
Kings lead hat was a hammer to desire, it will come, it will come, it will surely come.

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Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno è un musicista, compositore e produttore discografico britannico. Considerato uno dei più importanti autori moderni, è ricordato anche per essere stato l'inventore della musica d'ambiente.

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