
Songtext King of grime Skepta


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King of grime

This ain't no subliminal, it's a states match? King of grime

Some mellaz don't like me cause I say I'm the king of grime
But time after time I show man I will never let no man gets the program
Over and over again I prove that any radioshow any DVD any station man
Put me up against gymmics sound effects flow man don't think that you go
Cause you're not ready for the slow man, you don't want drama trust me I can get hot like lava. So I'm braking the world government, when I find out if I have been chattin to osama
Skepta the K I N G man start panicking when I MC yeh J Ables but his boy better know it's not murder INC.

WOW, I'm the king of grime and I will be for a very long time
Cause I go to the rave gettin devine and the second line never sounded like the first line.
WOW, I'm the king of grime and I will be for a very long time
Cause I go to the rave gettin devine and the second line never sounded like the first line.

But don't I don't get thing out this ping pong dog
But you can call me MC rule time
Better still call me the king of grime
Better still call me licence to kill
Promoters are booking you
Man for a bill
I get a g's till I ain't had one due
I get to the rave
Leaving the first five minutes
I already get one wheel
Then I get two wheels it's a bicycle
Then I get three wheels it's a tricycle
Then I get four wheels it's a car, you can't even get a unicycle
It's a bar so you better stop spittin
Forget a freestyle, man it's prewritten
You listenin to the best spitter in britain

WOW, I'm the king of grime and I will be for a very long time
Cause I go to the rave gettin devine and the second line never sounded like the first line.
WOW, I'm the king of grime and I will be for a very long time
Cause I go to the rave gettin devine and the second line never sounded like the first line.

So which one of you lot wanna wanna be in war
Are you not ready for
I kill eight men I wanna bury more
We can do it in a sidewonder
Eskimo orange
I am the king you're no evil a prince
I told him to put a little gum on his tongs to test it
But he put the whole avil, I think that's why he's been lean ever since
I think that's why his night shows is at shambles
Don't wear shorts if you got dry ankles
Don't take pics if u got dry lips
I thought that you knew that
You can't do that.
Like trynna brodcast it on chips.
I've been killing MC's
Before I started watching ninja man
Youtube this
I'm ready for the war like bloods and crips

WOW, I'm the king of grime and I will be for a very long time
Cause I go to the rave gettin devine and the second line never sounded like the first line.
WOW, I'm the king of grime and I will be for a very long time
Cause I go to the rave gettin devine and the second line never sounded like the first line.

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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