Joey Badass

Songtext Killuminati pt. 2 Joey Badass


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Killuminati pt. 2

Killuminati all through your body
Like a 12 gauge shotty

[Verse 1]
And I'm still a beast with these flows
Feeling real low my tree self esteem roll
We drowning out Atlantis can't overflow beast coast
Be more specific next time you shoutin' out a-mi-go
I am not the star? In fact I'm planet awe
Fuck what the media write, bitch this is a fire bar
Please don't leave your comment if you are not up to par
No names, putting you in a verse that's too far
Your mundane can't obtain, the knowledge of my brain
My set told me light you up so this that propane
It's Nathan all I gotta do is just spit a flame
No escaping, you in a swimming pool of champagne
You set yourself up for that one mane
The king of New York?
Ha! we ain't just gon' let that one hang
Last nigga got dethroned and you ain't from my zone
The rest of the real niggas is dead and gone

[Hook x2]
But fuck it I'm Biggie, I'm L, I'm Pun
I'm God's Son, I'm Pac, Guru all in one
I'm what they predicted before I come
In fact I do it all for them

[Verse 2]
I'm getting a ugh, I'm getting a ugh
From the weak shit that I hear
No lyrical style come near me
How they gon' try to compare me
To what's clearly, barely, not nearly as rare as me
Swank make hands fold like a rare disease
I got arthritis yo it's scaring me
I got all these rap niggas fucking fearing me
Heard they was looking for war but ain't declaring me
I'm well aware, NY not Delaware
I'm the real king fella here
You more like Prince of Bel-Air
I'm clearing the air, might fire at will
These rap niggas don't want the static for real
Cuz they lines not adjacent to my spectacular skill
If you don't fuck with cinematic stand still
My life's a movie on the real
You can get shot with your hands on the wheel
With your pants at ya heels

[Hook x2]

Killuminati all through your body
Like a 12 gauge shotty
And I'm feeling like the realest motherfucker alive (x6)
Killuminati all through your, all through your
I love the competition
Go against the beast coast?
I retired that level of it
And now you have to deal with a brother like Joey
Which is a 45 magnum with a knife at the tip
And a shotgun at the enemy

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