The Lonely Island

Songtext Jason deeps The Lonely Island


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Jason deeps

Hey, lonely lady with the big brown eyes
I'm thinking you're sadder than you realize
I could make you smile and feel a little more related
We really click, would it be so wrong if we just dated?
Let goooo... jump on my skateboard, eat some cake, along the lake
Do all your favorite stuff right off the cuff cause we're spontaneous
Let's hop a bus to shop, we'll check out Filene's, and get chunky jewelry at Chico's
I'll buy you a panini, and some Spanks to make you teeny
You're the lady with the big brown eyes

You got the Motherload
You've got the mother load
You've got the stuff I like
Everytime I'm with you babe,
I just get psyched
Like bling in your mouth but it's just old fillings
Dry skin on your hands, and your fuck so cracked
Sittin on ur bed with your jacked up back
Hey girl, I want to watch you do you pilates, and skip the hard part
Cuz baby, you've got the mother load

Put me in a outfit from the GAP like that. One that matches
With the jacket and the cap like that
Then slap me in the stroller with the bounce like that
With the bottle full of milk that's 40 ounce like that
I'm your b-baby lady
I wanna push you in the buggy
I'm your b-baby lady,
I wanna hold you like a Snuggie
You're my baby, lady
And I'm your lady, baby
It's time to roll
Let's go to the park

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The Lonely Island (TLI) is an American comedy troupe composed of Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone, and Andy Samberg, best known for its musical parodies. The group is from Berkeley, CA, and is currently based in New York City. The group began creating live comedy skits in junior high school and continued to do so, expanding its repertoire to comedic shorts, music parody (both songs and videos) and one full-length television pilot, before coming to the attention of Lorne Michaels of Saturday Night Live (SNL). Once on the show, they wrote "Lazy Sunday," a better-produced music parody video much like the group's previous work. It became an instant Internet success, and led to the creation of similar digital shorts that also aired on Saturday Night Live. The Emmy-winning "Dick in a Box", "Jizz in My Pants", "Like a Boss" and the Grammy-nominated "I'm on a Boat" have subsequently had huge success both on the show and on the Internet and prompted the recording and release of an album, Incredibad in which the group moves in a more musical direction.

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