King Charles

Songtext Ivory road King Charles


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Ivory road

You're the nose of my bullet,
the trigger of my gun,
you're the sandbank in the ocean;
the oxygen in my blood.

You're the fastest of the fish,
the prickliest pear,
you're a chamelon in the night;
you're the sahara sun's glare.

You're my mind's rest,
you're the strings of my guitar,
you're the wax in my mustache;
the keys to my car.

You're the magical mermaids hollow illusion,
you call them fools as they hope for so much,
you let them down and you watch from your rock
and your heart beats faster when you watch theirs stop.

I will keep on loving because I believe in love;
I don't mind dying if you follow me up:
your victory is a defeat,
you head above your heart,
Only the brave surrender;
Death cannot tear us appart.(x4)

My smile is wider than yours when we meet,
and the winter is colder for me underneath,
and I know that you glow from the inside out,
you can keep it for yourself and I'll go without.

You are the fire and I'm the chimmey,
You'll burn away and I'll choke your memory,
You're the words of my sentence, the poet in my pen,
the dream that brings the morning sadness;
start the day a storm in my head.

You're Oscar Wilde short stories in my bookcase,
You're positively 4th street' isolated in my itunes,
You're the words of the dictionary that I can't spell,
can't describe, can't put in a sentence, but use all the time.

You're your own pair of trousers that look better on me,
You're the boots of spanish leather at the bottom of the sea,
every symbol of love that doesn't relate to a meaning,
every feeling, every sentation only real when i'm dreaming.

I will keep on loving because I believe in love;
I don't mind dying if you follow me up:
your victory is a defeat,
you head above your heart,
Only the brave surrender;
Death cannot tear us appart.

Wild horses in the wilderness,
with no journey home,
but my love is locked in chains;
the lion walks alone.

The lion walks alone,
nature is cruel but he knows it's his home,
he to his demons and you to your own,
O' please let me stand by you and conquer them all.
O' I'll conquer them all. (x4)

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