
Songtext It's the pee '97 Epmd


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It's the pee '97

Yea, check 1,2, one time for ya mind
2 times for ya mind, pmd going braceline, bassline
Prodigy, hit squad and the mobb. 9-7, check it out

Hey, yo, six foot and change, I still do my thang
You niggaz is game, blacker skills wit the hand swing
Time to black out, you act out, blow ya back out
The p wit the no-look pass like iverson and stackhouse

Hey, yo, painkiller key raps, get dope off of this here shit
Writing prescriptions for your addiction
We doing it, yo, p, this shit is off the meter
Neither him nor his man neither can top this shit hit

Its the p-double e-m-d-e-e(yo, its the p)
E-double pushing up lex bubble(3 1/2x)

Check p, the rap vet, freak the rap tech
Peep the black tech, ass bent, run, some will leave your back wet
So pmd and prodigy will hit you hard
Lace p wit the plan and let the mobb do the phucking job

I kick, shit that you can feel like youre holding it
Grab a hold of this, rip tight like its your last bit
Futuristic, hi-tech computer chip
Lyric thats beyond the year 2000
The dominant, confident niggaz is conquering
Overminding, my mom done did it again
Vertical rap, straight up and down this wolf pack
Or go at the whole globe, attack the map
Ambassador p, we strengthly strip his sleeves of his stripes
Granted for the rest of your life
Now you can sit back and cherish the time that we spent
The foul memory of ? timbos, bison less?

Now whos the kid claiming death wit the s on his chest
Smoking cess, sounding like meth, I guess he need press
And yes, he must be insane wit no brain, on that cocaine
Lying on your dick, saying you hit jane
The punk doctor, I gotcha, so get the boz-ile
You little hostile, you end up missing like hoffa
My styles proper, extraordinaire, quite rare
Excellent to the ear, so kid, you never compare


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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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