Beanie Sigel

Songtext It's on (feat. jay z) Beanie Sigel


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It's on (feat. jay z)

[Beanie Sigel]
Bare witness to the greatest, can't beat us join us
Keep heaters on us, with red lasers
Now far warning, short shots won't graze ya
We hug corners, play blocks like gators
With bundles on, serve tre's like waiters
It's the life we chose, the hustle
Can't stop it, can't knock it
Half the profit get flown out Vegas
Me and my niggas tryna break tables
Stack chips like Connect 4
While you pricks try and whip, tryna stretch more
Charge less for, that ain't the program
Get'cha lessons from the snowman
Like Pillsburry I get the dough man
I'll off ya head for a slice of bread
I keep my word and I'm true to my peeps
Gimme a bird and my crew 'gon eat
I'm over the stove like +Cuban Linx+
Breakin down +Cash Money+ like +Baby+ do
You niggas soft like baby food
'Round the world niggas pay me dues
While you niggas sing the same old song like Sadies do (Jay-Z: same song)
Grown man, nigga baby who?
I send you shots from the baby zoo
Old game like Grady fool, propane flow flame you dudes
No names don't claim ya shoes
Once again it's on nigga
Sigel hard like corn liquor
I take you out this world like you was born nigga
Butt-naked, covered in blood, gaspin for air, clingin for dear life
Nigga you dead right?
Since you was a baby, coward
We been sprinklin the world with baby powder
+So Fresh and So Clean+
Been an +OutKast+ since I was a teen
But I outlast, cause I outblast anybody you bring
Young, you got it the prophet
I told yall niggas then I showed yall niggas
You +Can't Knock It+
Don't get carried away you a mute nigga (mute nigga)
Where was you nigga? I was doin this here like Mary J.
Like +Every Day+, It was true nigga
[Beanie Sigel]
They can't question what we do Jigga
Once again it's on
Young run through you niggas, like a glitch in the computer nigga
I'm the shit I'mma sewer nigga, This is Jay everyday, no days off
Ferris Bueler nigga
[Beanie Sigel]
B Sig Fred Kruger niggas, nightmare ya medulla nigga
You scared? Cause I glue with Jigga
He said "Sig' you that nigga" couldn't see his vision
But then he drew the picture, like a compository sketch
Said if Sig stay honest I'll deposit you a check
It's a secret society, all we ask is trust
No G-Money shit, all we gots is us (we all we got)
True indeed, yes, more better, yes
More chedder, S-P chain, jeans, and sweaters
Movies, cartoons, labels, etcetera
Fill in the blanks and drop blocks like Tetris or
Get off the block run south with M. Betha
From my block to your block shout out to M-Extra
(Memphis Bleek: Who the fuck (fuck) want (want) what)
None of you niggas
It's B Sig prick I'm done with you niggas...
Once again it's on
Fuck we ain't through with niggas, twin towers here to ruin niggas
You couldnt break up the towers with Tom Donivich
Or Osama bombin' shit
We slay niggas with 'K's, we the drama men
Get it right young scrap don't even try it boy (boy)
You rather slide down a razor blade slidin board
I'm a livewire, hoolahoop barbwire
Run through hell with gasoline draws on
You can't mute me put the pause on
My gun shoot like fast-foward's on
You dress cute when the wars off
What you doin dog you playin wit it
You make ya bed right you layin in it
You keep your share tight, you stayin in it
You bringin niggas where ya kids sleep
I sing to niggas while the kids sleep
Roc-a-bye mothafucka
I hope you high mothafucka
Ready to die mothafucka
Who shot ya? Seperate the weak from State Prop to
Kids squash beef and rep the streets
Once again it's on nigga, bring the drama to ya lawn nigga
Tell ya momma bye bye get ready to mourn sista, it's a
See what you got here is a full blown twista
You nothin but hot air, it's not fair
The reason while we lead the pack, this is a marathon
You start off fast, then you wheezin in the back
So even if I slack I got enough leeway to put out +The Reason+ by the +Mac+
Philadelphia Freeway and I'm back, without leavin and I'm here
But you can't see him, I gave you +The Blueprint+ but you can't be him
So no matter what you been told and the records you sold
Deep inside you know that it's only one Hov
Young veto, voice of the young people
If my life was a movie then +Sigel+ 'gon be the sequel
We bring it to ya door with Bleek peekin through ya peekhole
And don't get scared nigga, alert ya people
[Beanie Sigel]
Once again it's on

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