
Songtext Itroduction Helloween


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(m&l - weikath)
W: weikie
J: johnny (interviewer)

J: hello I'm johnny and I thought we were going to do the
Interview at your place.
W: well, hello there well, actually this is my place. now just
Come in and let's sit down over there.
J: yeah but weren't we going to do photographs as well?

W: you mean uh well what's the big deal? let's just go for it.
J: well, it's just that it's a bit bloody smokey in here. I can't see
A thing.

W: oh, alright we can open a window. we might get rid of the
Smell as well I guess.

J: ah, hey your english is coming along pretty good. it's not

W: oh, oh yeah. thank you, thanks. but I know much people
Say that.

J: ah, um, is this me? can we get started now or are we just
Gonna fuckin keep talking like this?

W: right but please, before, let me play a little piece to you.
It's a new track I wrote. it's inspired by kiss you know. you
Know kiss? they got that track called "rock'n roll all night"
And so I thought I'd do one called "rock 'n' roll all day". am
I not ingeniously?

J: well I suppose so but don't you think we should get.

W: you know I thought it could become real smashing hit. i
Think it's great! hey come over here and I'll play it to you.

J: no, listen, listen a minute, listen would you like to get.

W: no wait. listen, this is the intro. now that's the intro. now
You listen ha ha.

W: oh, I sung it, I sung it my own cause it's more original. great

J: no, no, no, no, it's quite interesting but come on.

W: oh wait, just listen.

J: urghh!

W: cool!

J: yes michael but don't you think we have to.

W: wait, here comes to the chorus coming right up. this as
We say in german will be a milestone in gemman rock history.
Here the chorus. there, there it goes.

J: michael! michael! I'm sorry but it s not really..

W: what. what. ok stop!

J: michael, michael don't you think we should um..

W: oh wait wait, wait, wait. I'll wind it a bit ahead you know,
And I'll play you the solo part and because it's the best solo i
Ever played, you know.

J: jesus, God damn it! I really don't think that we have the time
To do this.

W: um, ok, ok. you will hear it anyway, a thousand times
When it's a, when it s a hit! you'll, you'll hear it on every radio
Station and on video! well how do you like it, it's a great track
Isn it and I like the iyrics 'cause I wrote them and they're quite
Rock 'n roll huh?

J: well actually michael, I'm really sorry but I don't really like
It. it's not really.

W: well, maybe you didn't listen properly I could maybe
Change the lyrics here or there, but it s really kiss!

J: no, no.

W: listen, I'll play it to you once more and then you'll admit
That it's really. no?

J: no, not at all. just look. I don't care how many times you
Play this crap to me, it still sucks!

W: oh?

J: and anyway, I mean, oh jesus, I'm gonna go away and
Interview roland. I mean, jesus, what a bunch of fuckin'

J: what a fuckin' bunch of bullocks!

W: um, well so, what's wrong with him? maybe next time i
Should do it with someone from kerrang.

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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In the early 1980s Helloween stood alongside Blind Guardian as one of the early European power metal bands. Walls of Jericho (1985) was a genre defining album and remains an exemplar of power metal. After that, they recruited a new vocalist, Michael Kiske, and the new album, Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 1 (1987) consolidated the success of their debut. The third album Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part II (1988) is considered to be the seminal Helloween release.

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