
Songtext In love wit a thug Camouflage


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In love wit a thug

f/ Roam



You done fell in love wit a thug

You in trouble baby

Cause you done fell in love wit a thug

And it ain't a damn thing a damn thing you can do about it

[Verse 1: Camoflauge]

Lord knows its been hard for boo

you stood by a nigga like glue, its true

that I done fucked up plenty of times and you forgave my

and thats why I'm here for you baby

And when I went to jail you was there phone calls and visits

T-shirts and underwear

little mama you did it

when I came home it was the same song

out on the corner all night still tryna get my hustle on

you hated but you still waited up til I made in

questioning where the hell I been and then

came the love makin' and the tounge kissing

on a mission to hit that ass in every position

wishin for peace, love, and happiness

are you happy (yes)

well lay your tired head on my chest

get you some rest

everything gone by ain't what what

I know you fell like you hooked on drugs (cuz)


[Verse 2: Camoflauge]

I see you blowing up my phone

sayin make it home

you all alone

give me about an hour uh ohh

I cought the dail tone

another agruement with me and my boo

I spend more times in the streets then I do wit you

but hey I gotta get it how I live baby

I tryna give you nice things and pay these bills baby

shit, your homegirl said she seem me at the club

fuckin wit some chicken head

oh you gone follow her up damn

what ever happened to that thing called trust

what ever happened to that thing called us

guess what, we gotta make this thing work and shit

I don't even gotta tell you what you did


[Verse 3]

Whoa now, slowdown

little ma whats your problem

I hope that I can try to help you solve them

Boo listen I know you upset I understand (you don't want a walk-time man)

but shit I'm out her everyday tryna make a better way for us hey

this life I'm livin' its so dangerous ok

you think I'm chasing bitches but I'm out here chasing riches

when I'm wit my niggaz you figure I'm in some bitches

britches down, oh you wanna run back to your mama

don't you think she getting tired of this drama

Cause you and I both know whats up

you gone be right back where you was



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