Jermaine Dupri

Songtext I'm throwed Jermaine Dupri


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I'm throwed

[Jermaine Dupri:]

Ya'll know what this is


When I'm on that beat I'm a beast

I aint never came weak

Got a mouth full of diamonds

You can hardly hear me speak

Especially when it sound like dis (dis)

It's that H-Town baby and you know what is

I'm throwed

Got styrophome cup full of bar

I'm throwed

Four deep in my old school car

I'm throwed

Show Cali why I'm bangin the screw

Its the Ice Man baby and you know what it do

I'm throwed

[Paul Wall:]

I'm Fresher than a fruit bowl

Leanin like a gas gage

Straight up off the dome, freestylin like hair braids

Makin that candy dance, I'm throwed off the Cali plants

I'm prancin' on the scene crawlin down like fire ants

My mind in a trance, I'm sharper than a starched pants

Stackin Franklin and Grants from south bank to spring grass

I'm posted like a stamp with my mind on cash

I'm wheel grippin and still tippin Brandi wine on glass

I got a screen in the dash a quarter tank full of gas

Smokin that puff puff pass, throwed I hope I dont crash

Reppin the Swisha glass, so I'm flyer than a mockingbird

Throwed in the mode game, cold as a iceburg


When I'm on that beat I'm a beast

I aint never came weak

Got a mouth full of diamonds

You can hardly hear me speak

Especially when it sound like dis (dis)

It's that H-Town baby and you know what is

I'm throwed

Got styrophome cup full of bar

I'm throwed

Four deep in my old school car

I'm throwed

Show Cali why I'm bangin the screw

Its the Ice Man baby and you know what it do

I'm throwed

[Paul Wall:]

Now to broads I'm a sharp-shooter like Steve Kerr

Flash the wrists cause a blur

Fox fur and flyin spur

Undisputed for sure

So I'm collectin these dimes

Name and number lil momma cuz its checkout time

I'm slidin on glass threes, inhalin the chronic trees

Pack protection cuz player hatin spread like STD's

I'm cool as a ocean breeze, like Chester I'm chasin cheese

I'm stangin like buzzin bees, on south lee with the cheese

Screens fall like all them leaves makes the TV's rain

Take a picture if you please, yeah my wrist is insane

Thirty Karot, diamond chain, so ballin is off the chain

Mind frame I'm stackin change, I'm so throwed in the game


When I'm on that beat I'm a beast

I ain't never came weak

Got a mouth full of diamonds

You can hardly hear me speak

Especially when it sound like dis (dis)

It's that H-Town baby and you know what is

I'm throwed

Got styrophome cup full of bar

I'm throwed

Four deep in my old school car

I'm throwed

Show Cali why I'm bangin the screw

Its the Ice Man baby and you know what it do

I'm throwed

[Paul Wall:]

I'm throwed in the game

Im full of that purple sprite, and im searchin for broads

Paper stackin so my money stretch like extension cords

I'm a wide body rocker in a four on them choppers

I'm on the grind stackin up my mail like the post office

Movin at slow pace with T Farris, my ace

Cup full of expensive taste, open mouth and showcase

I'm throwed with screens hangin, swangin breakin his trust

We pourin up in them cups that stuff got me leanin tough

Hold up

I'm caked up so all the boppers attract I got em like a softer pal out there runnin the track

Pullin capers makin paper stacks fly as a dove

A bread breaker, taste maker baby

all of the above, I'm throwed


When I'm on that beat I'm a beast

I aint never came weak

Got a mouth full of diamonds

You can hardly hear me speak

Especially when it sound like dis (dis)

It's that H-Town baby and you know what is

I'm throwed

Got styrophome cup full of bar

I'm throwed

Four deep in my old school car

I'm throwed

Show Cali why I'm bangin the screw

Its the Ice Man baby and you know what it do

I'm throwed

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