Culture Shock

Songtext If you don't like it Culture Shock


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If you don't like it

Certain things that need to be said
Are left inside, the moral is high
For fear of upsetting the status quo
Silence rules over the word you can't find

Which means that whatever it was out there
Outside the air in the ways that it stayed
Left to fly if it even exists
Logged your content, only the looks remain

If you don't like it
Say you don't like it
If you don't like it
Say you don't like it

So we're staring at the critical all seeing eye
As the end result of a failure to change
??? but it won't change a thing
Your values and morals keep your tongue in it's chains

Try shouting your feelings out loud in the dark
There's nobody listening but you still feel, alive!
Then try it again in a crowded street
And feel the difference, the freedom inside

Reinstate your ego, that's part of what you are
Become the dream you dreamt of
Don't watch it from afar

If you don't like it
Say you don't like it
If you don't like it
Say you don't like it

Nothing will change if you sit there and take it
Nothing will change if you sit there and take it
Nothing will change
Nothing will change
If you sit there and take it
If you sit there and take it

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Culture Shock was an anarcho-punk / ska punk band formed in Warminster, Wiltshire, England, in 1986 by Dick Lucas, previously of the Subhumans. Over their four year history the band played hundreds of gigs, including frequent appearances at free festivals, and released three studio albums on the Bluurg record label. Lucas’ lyrics were mostly concerned with social and political issues, from cruelty to animals, Northern Ireland, war, and social alienation, but were far from angry rants, often finding a positive and empowering perspective. Culture Shock split at the end of 1989, as Bill and Nige both had young families to support. Dick went on to form Citizen Fish with Jasper, the bassist on Culture Shock’s final album, and two other former members of the Subhumans.

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