Arab Strap

Songtext (if there's) no hope for us Arab Strap


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(if there's) no hope for us

Where the words were once sweethearts
Now they're ugly violent thugs
How did our language come to this
We speak in grunts and sighs and shrugs
When we never let used to let
Just one spare moment go to waste
Now you're hardly ever here
And when you are you're bored and chaste

So when did you decide that I was vile?
I've tried and tried to talk
But talkings never been your style

You say you think we'll still be friends
But we both know that we wont
And your mates all laugh and smile
As if they know something I don't
And every night a taxi
Softly sweeps you up our street
You used to say you broke your phone
Now you don't care if you're descreet

So why wont you just tell me who was there?
There's a buzz about you now
There's something funny in the air

If there's no hope for use then there's no hope for anyone
What chance can they have if even you and me just can't have fun?
Was it so long ago our friends said we were disgraceful
But how could they ever know that we could be so unfaithful

You weren't wearing much of note
Just hold-ups and your long white coat
The elctric fire lit up your skin
As we whispered cos your mum was in
And as we went to use the phone
We noticed that we weren't alone
We just shrugged and let the pervert see
What he could only hope to be

But that was in the haze of new romance
When we floated hand in hand right through it's vague deceitful trance

If there's no hope for use then there's no hope for anyone
What chance can they have if even you and me just can't have fun?
Was it so long ago our friends said we were disgraceful
But how could they ever know that we could be so unfaithful

That's me then, I'm all packed you know I need some time to think
You just take what you think you'll need I think we both might need a drink
And the secrets that I keep you know I keep because I care
But if there's no hope left for use, well darling, let's just leave it there.

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Scottish miserablists Arab Strap were a musical duo from Falkirk. They marked themselves out with their brooding sound and honest stories. Touching on disappointing trips to petrol stations, weekend watching of The Simpsons, and getting by in a world where the local pub can on occasion contain every girl you have ever slept with, Arab Strap presented a touching and gritty take on contemporary Scottish life. In 2006 the band completed a farewell tour entitled Ten Years of Tears.

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