
Songtext I jus' lie Snot


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I jus' lie

I Jus' Lie like your type
I'm telling you what you want to hear
(or do you really take me true?)
It's what you need to feel before you
spread them legs for me

Although I look your way
you start to play your games again
And no I really don't wanna hear it

Now come here
You think this is real?

Cause I jus' lie
When I speak
About the sexual prowess I got
(you know I'm really not that great in bed)
10 seconds down
'bout 8 seconds longer than I got for you

Needed some quick relief and all I got was grief again
I guess I shoulda seen it comin'

Now shutup
Lie down
Put ya' to the test
(how'd ya guess)

I Jus' Lie
Well this choice is not just, mine
I Jus' Lie
And I don't make ties that bind

I've seen the games you play
And I'm wishin' you'd go away
No there's something I must find
Explain the reason why
I jus Lie

And I'm tired
Of this fucking eggshell walk
(yeah like you did ME a favor)
You think for one good screw
I'd trust someone like you at all?

Myself I know the excuse
So sorry you got used again
And of course I'll call you later

Now shutup
Get out
This one fell short
(you wonder why?)

I Jus' Lie
Well this choice is not just, mine
I Jus' Lie
And I don't make ties that bind

I've seen the games you play
And I'm wishin' you'd go away
No there's something I must find
Explain the reason why
I Jus' Lie

--Straight white male--
--in search of bisexual female--
--for love relationship--
--long walks on the beach--
--a good book in front of the fire--
--and lots and lots of anal sex--
--send photo--

I Jus' Lie
I Jus'
I Jus'
I Jus' Lie just to fuck you
I Jus'
I Jus' Lie

I Jus' Lie
I Jus'
I Jus'
I Jus' Lie just to fuck you
I Jus'
I Jus' Lie

(soon as my dick does your mouth you're goin' south)
(soon as my dick does your mouth you're goin' south)
(soon as my dick does your mouth you're goin' south)
(soon as my dick does your mouth)

I Jus' Lie
I Jus'
I Jus'
I Jus Lie just to fuck you
I Jus'
I Jus' Lie

I Jus' Lie
I Jus'
Soon as my dick does your mouth you're goin' south
Soon as my dick does your mouth you're goin' south

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Tons, formerly known as Snot, is an American rock band from Santa Barbara, California. Formed in 1995, the band released their debut studio album Get Some with founding vocalist Lynn Strait in 1997 and disbanded after his death in 1998. In 2008, the lineup of guitarists Mike Doling and Sonny Mayo, bassist John Fahnestock and drummer Jamie Miller reunited. In 2009, the band adopted its current name and Brandon Espinoza joined as vocalist.

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