
Songtext I fell in love with a dj Chenelle


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I fell in love with a dj

Alright, Derick Brim
Am as big as you
Heey!Che'nelle Oouch!
Che,nelle is got a story for you

Baby Cham:
Che'nelle is DJ and for

For the ladies

Baby Cham:
All the night she keep call me back to the club to see if DJ another bar.

I fell in love with the DJ,DJ sneaking around the back door banging till we hear somebody say "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ getting intoxicated every weekend he make my heart go "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
Walk into the club with my partner met, talked, and said hello to everyone there
Look to my right Mr.DJ blew me a kiss, I trip and I fell
He call me over knowing that I'm taken so I went over thinking he's just a friend one thing led to the other.
My boy friend put two and two together.
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ sneaking around the back door banging till we hear somebody say "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ getting intoxicated every weekend he make my heart go "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
Roughing tough man Mr.DJ
I can't say no when he whispers" my place".
Look to me right tell my man to go home be back as soon as I take my girls home.

I end up in DJ's house he stood at the door only in his towel
One thing led to the other, he ripped my clothes all together
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ sneaking around the back door banging till we hear somebody say "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ getting intoxicated every weekend he make my heart go "Hou Hou"

Baby Cham:
When thim thim rep com spin dim dim, can i suggest one thing tiking she under my spellcam the puppet master.
Pull one sting and she winds in faster her boyfriend is here that spells disaster.
How she doing everything we didn't ask her. We both rang up in the dance floor and she wanted to know the score. I rold her if she wanted more it at 4.

I fell in love with the DJ,DJ sneaking around the back door banging till we hear somebody say "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ getting intoxicated every weekend he make my heart go "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
Oh no did I tell you how the story ends. When my boyfriend followed me one night (Oh no), did I tell you.
Came though the door with a knife in his hands. I turn around screaming that we was just friends.
But I was tripping on my words I was making it so obvious, that I had a CD in my hand.
Just dropping of my new CD sweetie.
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ sneaking around the back door banging till we hear somebody say "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
I fell in love with the DJ,DJ getting intoxicated every weekend he make my heart go "Ooh Ooh Ooh"
Yea I got a man, But Mr.DJ

Baby Cham:
Thats me

For the DJ, Mr.DJ
Make my heart go ooh ooh ooh...

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