
Songtext I doo Toyah


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I doo

He was a 6 foot stallion
sayin the story of a thug
he was the kind that made you wonder how he put down the love
he had a hickey in his pocket a phat rock in his ear
he made my heart stop palpitating everytime he came near
he had his spankin new range for that tight woredrobe
his pants were saggin he was plaided and his hair wascornrolled
he had his wrists bling blingin
and his long legs was bow
he tried to push up on me but i knew he had me at go

I do I wonder if you feel the same way I do
I can see it in your eyes I entice you
so come on shorty if you think you can roll with
an iced out playa ballin outta control
Cuz I do I wonder if you feel the same way I do
I can see it in your eyes I entice you
so come on shorty if you think you can roll with
an iced out playa ballin outta control
Cuz I do

Me and my crew started groovin made our way to the floor
It's time to activate my plan, and give this hottie a show
I shook my hips took a dip
rolled my tongue 'cross my lips
and when he took his place to dance with me i felt fingertips
on the small of my back so i had to react
like i was playin hard to get and told that boy to step back
but when i looked deep in his eyes all i could see was his soul
i'm bout to make this guy my man, that i can tell ya for sure


watch me drop drop shake it for the fellas who know
watch me pop pop my hips as i dip and roll
and watch me stop stop traffic as i walk through the room
knowin all the papi's want me but all i want is you (i do)
watch me drop drop shake it for the fellas who know
watch me pop pop my hips as i dip and roll
and watch me stop stop traffic as i walk through the room
knowin all the papi's want me but all i want is you


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Toyah is the name of the band fronted by Toyah Willcox between 1977 and 1983. The only other consistent band member throughout this period was Joel Bogen, Willcox's principal co-writer and guitarist.

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