
Songtext I aint thick, it's just a trick Crass


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I aint thick, it's just a trick

chorus: oh yeah?
oh yeah?
well i've got it all up here, see?
oh yeah?
oh yeah?
when they think they've got it all out there, see?
they can fuck off, cos they ain't got me they can't buy my dignity oh yeah?
oh yeah?
let me tell you, i've got it all up here, see?
tried to get me with a t.v.
show i wouldn't have none of it, no, no, no standards and values on a black and white screen sarah farah fawcett acting mean she's got the lot, that's what they want you to think read between the lines, you'll see the missing link she's just a fucking puppet in their indoctrination plan "be like me girls, become a real man" live to the full, always act flash don't use your brains when your body makes the splash chorus tried to get me in the supermarket store bought what i wanted, they they said "buy more" mountains of crap that nobody really needs gaily coloured wrappers to suit assorted greeds they've got the lot, that's what they want you to think read between the lines, you'll see the missing link buy this product, pay for the crap quarter for the product, three quarters for the wrap be a happy family, like the people on the pack pay up to the profit, and you'll never look back chorus tried to get me with their learning and their books deep understanding and intelligent looks all of the time, they never saw me they were just looking for what they wanted to see they've got the lot, that's what they want you to think read between the lines, you'll see the missing link books are easy backs for what they want to do to you bind you up in slavery for the privileged few they'll prove their lies with history say "that's the way it always was accept the shit and slavery, be one of us" chorus tried to get me with religion and with christ said i'd get to heaven if i acted real nice they were just preparing a crucifix for me a life of guilt, of sin, of pain, of holy misery they've got the lot, that's what they want you to think read between the lines, you'll see the missing link the bible's just a blue print for their morality scene just another load of shit on how it's never been they stand there in the pulpit, doling out their lies offering forgiveness, then they talk of eyes for eyes.
chorus tried to get me, but i won't be got say i'm a misfit, i say i'm not i never set out to profit from another those smarmy bastards would steal from their mother they've got the lot, that's what they want you to think read between the lines, you'll see the missing link plundered and slaughtered in the name of truth acceptance of normality is what they want from you as proof they think they've got the answers but there's something that they miss their cup which overfloweth, is just full up of piss chorus

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Crass were an English punk band, formed in 1977 which promoted anarchism as a political ideology, way of living, and as a resistance movement. Crass popularized the seminal anarcho-punk movement of the punk subculture, and advocated direct action, animal rights, and environmentalism. The band both utilised and advocated a "Do It Yourself" approach, producing sound collages, graphics, albums and films. Crass also criticized and attempted to subvert the dominant culture with messages promoting feminism, anti-racism, anti-war, and anti-globalization.

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