
Songtext Humble (kawasaki) Tyga


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Humble (kawasaki)


They tellin' me be humble, but they know I'm cocky
Let me feel myself, yeah nigga, know I'm cocky
Uh, my wrist is rocky, come try and stop me
She wanna pop a willy, ride me like a kawasaki
Big phantom grille, cook the streets like hibachi
I'm sipping sake, I'm raw like ahe
Bitch, why you always want to meet me in the lobby?
She on the way to my suite, I'm 'bout to catch a body

Uh, I'm going live, sit down and watch me
You rocking Jordans, but you Dennis Rodman
I used to get the chicken fingers, now I get the lobster
Oh I get the pasta yeah, all my niggas mobbin'
Halloween team yeah, all my niggas monsters
She make me fight for the pussy, she Ronda Rousey
Playing hard to get, ring around the Rosie
If I whip it out, you gotta blow me
Shit, I'm going live
The block is hot, bitch go inside
Barry Sanders tryna juke the truth, we know you lyin'
She poppin' pussy, pussy swollen, pop a motrin
Now, I can take my jewelry off, still be the golden child
Yeah, I'm going live
She just wanna watch
She with you 'cause you rich, she just want some watches

They told me to be humble, so I started humming
Mmm mmm, fuck you hoes I came from nothing

They tellin' me be humble, but they know I'm cocky
Let me feel myself, yeah nigga, know I'm cocky
Uh, my wrist is rocky, come try and stop me
She wanna pop a willy, ride me like a kawasaki
Big phantom grille, cook the streets like hibachi
I'm sipping sake, I'm raw like ahe
Bitch, why you always want to meet me in the lobby?
She on the way to my suite, I'm 'bout to catch a body

Uh, I'm going live, close your eyes, open wide
I can act like I'm humble, but you now I'm not
You mean to act like I don't know, when I know I'm hot
Ass shot, when my shit blew, woah
She wanna rock to my tempo
I'm in the endzone when he in the friendzone
If you really on, where your niggas at? Put them on
Man in the mirror, only man out the pen dome, woah
I'm going live, sit down and watch me
See my bitch tan, we just came from somewhere tropic
'Bout to catch a flight, just to go shopping
This V5, whatchu know about it
My money count as my only accountant
I can only account for me and my niggas
Who you hold it down with?

They told me to be humble, so I started humming
Mmm mmm, fuck you hoes I came from nothing

Yeah, you're testing my patience
Yeah, you're testing my faith, yeah
They know my strength, no
I was all alone
So I waited and waited
Uh, still nobody came, yeah
See, it's nobody's blame, no
I want the world to know
I picked up myself
See, now it's a stick, I'll put up your hand
Now they can't put out my fire
See the boy made himself to a man
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

They tellin' me be humble, but they know I'm cocky
Let me feel myself, yeah nigga, know I'm cocky
Uh, my wrist is rocky, come try and stop me
She wanna pop a willy, ride me like a kawasaki
Big phantom grille, cook the streets like hibachi
I'm sipping sake, I'm raw like ahe
Bitch, why you always want to meet me in the lobby?
She on the way to my suite, I'm 'bout to catch a body

Catch a body, catch a body, catch a body
Sure, louder, sure, louder
Sure, louder, sure, louder

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