Snoop Dogg

Songtext Hooked Snoop Dogg


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Hey yo, Soopafly
These niggaz act like they don't know my motherfuckin' name (gangsta)
Hmm...ain't that a trip
Now I put half these niggaz on (ain't that something)

Snoop D-O double G (from the DP)

Niggaz wasn't even rapping till I came out
You know what I'm sayin?
Y'all know what time it is


Every nigga in this rap game, to the dope game
Now I got the hook up on the dodo, for sure tho'
But I'm not a weed seller, but a crocka sack beller
A rap star plus a 2 time felon
Sellin' phones out the trunk I mix G with funk
I put it all together, and rock it till it chump
Then bag it up and sag it up and then serve
I'm always on the pager, never on the curb
I'm big time, get mine, stay down for the grizind
I keep it gangsta, nigga, all the tizime
Ask them niggaz, from way down South (who?)
The boys right there with the gold in they mouth
They'll tell ya (tell ya)
There ain't no bullshit to sell ya
Snoop D-O double G who wannabes wannabe
I got love for my folkers out in 'Lejo
And all my soldiers gettin' busy down in N-O
Gangsta's, get respect from me
And all you other niggaz gettin' checked by me
That's on the C, DPG will never break up
There's too much motherfuckin' paper to cake up
That's on me (DPG)
Now what?

[Chorus X3]

Now all the bitches if you with me, come get me
I'm in room 210, don't forget to bring the gin
That's the old fashion way, and bring a friend with ya
So when I'm through with ya she can hit ya
Shit I ain't trippin'
I'm dippin'
There's money to be made
It's funny how she layed when I told her she couldn't stay
Look here, my boo'll be through
So you gotta raise, boy game pays
On the next phase, gotta show to do at 4
Then I'm headed right back to the studio
If you need the hook up
Give a nigga a holla
I slide through your hood, in the gold impala
Drop off a sack, then I head right back
And I hope I don't get jacked, cause you know I'm ridin' strapped
But if the boys decide to pull me over loc
They recognize my face, and so they go
Gangsta's get respect ya see
All y'all other niggaz gettin' shook like fleas
That's on the C
DPG will never break up
There's too much motherfuckin' paper to cake up
That's on me

[Chorus X4]

Dogg Pound Gangsta's
Say it with me
Say it with me
Say it with me
Say it for me
Right back at ya
Who go the hook up?
I do
I got the hook up
I got the hook up
If ya need it
I got the hook up
That's gangsta
Straight up
Doggy Dogg

[Chorus X5]

Ain't No Limit to this shit
Ain't No Limit to this shit nigga
Straight up
That's gangsta
And we out

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