Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Hoe! Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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"Hip Hop is a way of life
A way of life To me
Hip Hop is a way of life"
"It is the mighty" 4X
We'll program the spring on contact
The real rhymes did all
While you faker than lawnmats
Perpetrating grass
With your perpetrating ass
For certain ways to gas
Tryin to escape the blast
Don't make me laugh (ha ha ha)
I'm greatly ax in it
Attack sentences
Outline the track interest is
Break barriers evade how it grabs
Like a bottle, dram of malt liquor without tall pictures
Audio visuals
You need your own picture tube
Don't matter if you're richer dude
Money can't buy it
So I guess you miss out and never get to try it
My whole click's the flyest
With appliances
Of the science of the rhymin
Ain't no one denyin' this
??Buying wigs?? with my word weaponry
It's destiny
Press on me and get a lecture free of charge now
If you such a baller and you large then why you still here, huh?
Let's make this real clear
You ain't going nowhere
You're so scared to see what's outside your house
Survival of the fittest
Is easier than just easing up
But we will mix you up
Like a cuisinart
If you even start (Shell Shock)
When you see what hell got
Touch all the frail spots
That you never thought you had
Punch maggot
Now I'm at it
In my own fashion
A ration not rational the way it happen
Because I'm captain controller with the map and graspin'
It's time to go and they stuck on reaction

"To me, Hip Hop is
A way of life, a way of life" 4X
One two and...(Hiroglyphics)
Two three and...(Hiroglyphics)
Three four and...(Hiroglyphics)
Five six and...(Here we go now)
[Verse 2]
Counterpart counterfeits
I'm warning you
Get your powder kiss
While I show you how it is
I'm proud of this
See how loud it is
Shout at your whole block with this
The whole metropolis
Fuck the whole earth with this
When this with surfaces with after shocks
You'll be a laughingstock
Cracking top like a sports bottle
Chug ya drug ya with dopeness
Pass the crow's nest I flex like aerobics
I pose threats
The media with ingredients
Twice as toxic as seagram's gin
Reading palms
Being strong
Sneaky palms
Tryin to reach
I beat your whole outreach
With speech
And deep in the wound
Your conscious creep in the tomb
Speaking in togues
Reaping the sums
Worms do word on what you heard, you heard?
That's absurd you're a blur compared to ??highway's?? godness
Private stock
Supply or not like services
And it's like curvature
And I heard that you're talking shit
I'll take your carcass and slice it up
Till it's all in strips
Y'all sumbit that's the only way out
Like Andre Crouch I've got you in a pouch
Now shoo, out, shoo! (what)
How's you what about you
I doubt you will see your friends
Plus you don't believe in them
And even then its's odd
When I flex my squad and dodge your whole charade
Don't you watch I'm too posh off your whole platoon
Ain't no position you can't assume

"It is the mighty" 8X
Yeah man, me, D-L, Doug, Shawn-Z
Hiroglyphics gang never gets played out like
No hoes yaknowhatI'msayin
What about your record label man?
You motherfuckers tryin have you
To get all these big names so
You can put that shit on the cover
And sell your shit?
Fuck that shit
Tryin to play me like a stray Hoe

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