
Songtext Hittin' switches Epmd


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Hittin' switches

[shadz of lingo]
Yeah, this is colorado from shadz of lingo
Kickin it with the funklord himself, e double
Hittin switches, and we bout to get stupid
So you know, yo e, check it

[erick sermon]
Ah yeah one two, hey young world, hey young world {its on!}
Mic check, here I go again, check me out
Bust the flavor {heyyyyyyyyy} you know my clout
Rough and rugged -- funks the contact I hit you with
To make your head split, trip and do a backflip
I swing it hardcore like an orangutang
I bring it wicked, and freak the funk slang
Like God damn, yea dude gnarly, fuckin a
I dont play-doh, my nickname aint clay
Its the e double, mackaframa, bust the grammar
My style is sickening, like roseanne-ah
Plus, Im funky like _atomic dog_
Boy you cant see me, Im thicker than fog, so
Save that drama, heres a floppy disk dont risk it
Boo-yaa, thats my biscuit!
On the mic, I cover every angle
A square, tri-part to a rectangle
I mean dat wit a passion, so be it
When I rock the mic its worth seein
So cop a squad and parlay bitch
With the e-r-i-c-k, while Im hittin switches

Chorus: erick sermon (repeat 2x)

Off and on, off and on, its on (4x)
Hittin switches!

[erick sermon]
Ah shit, its part two, its on with the funk so
Ring the alarm, ding! while I drop the bomb
On the country, es gettin funky word to mother
I smother, any emcee or so-called brother
Why? I gets busy, who the hell is he?
The roughneck from new york city
You wanna mess around with the ill bastard
Then get your ass kicked, messin with the click
Def squad, now on location, with the funky sensation
You wanna step you must be freebasin
Punk, why you playin, you bored?
You cant afford, to get choked by the mic cord
I keep you drunk like whiskey, solve the mystery
Ummmm, without agatha christie (there we go)
You think you know _whats going on_
Without marvin gaye around, cmon lets get down
I spark your brain with all funk material
And gettin wicked, and let wilson pickett
Before I break, let me announce - get the bozack
Now we all can bounce, as Im hittin switches


[erick sermon]
(switch) back in effect mode, droppin loads
Watch me explode with the devil in me like crossroads
And ding-a-ling-a-ling with the guitar, freak the funk speech
Make the contact strong as bleach
Rock the mic make the vibes right, and plus dy-no-mite
So I can fly high like mike and just do it
And get freaky-deaky on the real, grab the steel
In case theres caps to peel
In the mix, when I flex the context, beware
Like when youre havin safe sex
I continue to get brand new, one two
My mic held tight, so I can recite the hype
And get busy, my name is erick sermon
Back for the adventure, without pee-wee herman
For those who dont know, dont act suspicious
While Im hittin switches


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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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