Bronski Beat

Songtext Hit that perfect beat Bronski Beat


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Hit that perfect beat

Searching for some company
Feel the rhythm dance with me
Them beat boy blues seem out of place
Now they want to party pace party pace
Dance dance on the floor dance dance move some more
Dance dance feel the heat
Hit that perfect beat boy, hit that perfect beat beat boy

I've got that feeling them beat boy feelings
I've got them feeling the perfect beat beat boy
I've got that feeling that perfect feeling
That perfect feeling all over me
Beat boy beat boy hit that perfect beat boy
Beat boy beat boy hit that perfect beat boy
Beat boy beat boy hit that perfect beat boy
Hit that perfect hit that perfect hit that perfect beat boy

Come come close to me I want this to be
That perfect feeling all over me
Come come close to me I want this to be
That beat boy feeling all over me
Too close for comfort too close for joy
Boys in the back room their hearts destroy
Touch and kiss a stranger if all else fails
Hiding from the danger that's been sent from hell

I've got that feeling them beat boy feelings
I've got them feeling the perfect beat
I've got that feeling that perfect feeling
That perfect feeling all over me
Beat boy beat boy hit that perfect beat boy
Beat boy beat boy hit that perfect beat boy
Hit that perfect hit that perfect hit that perfect beat boy

Beat beat beat beat
Beat beat beat beat boy

Hit hit hit hit
Beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat boy
I've got that feeling them beat boy feelings
I've got that feeling that perfect beat (beat boy beat boy)
I've got that feeling (that perfect feeling)
That perfect feeling all over me (beat boy beat boy)

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Bronski Beat was a popular British synth pop trio who achieved notable success in the mid 1980s, particularly with the 1984 chart hit "Smalltown Boy". All members of the group were openly homosexual, and their songs reflected this, often containing political commentary on gay related issues. Although many groups in the early to mid 80s had an openly gay image, Bronski Beat was one of the first groups to address the issues of gay people. At the height of their popularity the band consisted of singer Jimmy Somerville backed by Steve Bronski and Larry Steinbachek, both of whom played keyboards and percussion. Somerville went on to have success as lead singer of The Communards and as a solo artist.

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