
Songtext Hell's kitchen (vocal version) Maxim


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Hell's kitchen (vocal version)

In Hell's Kitchen
Elements in Hell's Kitchen

I've been to the land of milk and honey
And those ingredients, they don't exist
The origin, the precise meaning of my prayer
Is to adapt and carry your own crucifix
I've spend time slaving over the cooker
Being observed by the onlooker
Kill the lamb inside that exists
And taken the kiss away from my lips

Ruthless approach to holding power
It might, but it cannot last forever
Within my kitchen elements of desire
Simmer, cooked, fuel my fire
The strength understood
Boiled down to a broth, but never consumed
The science of my food, my lyrical styles
Satisfy your mood

I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
Reload the elements, bring forth the ingredients

Elements in Hell's Kitchen

Impose thrills, represent skills
Denotes, and show you I'm a true chef
Enter my kitchen, we will devour
And consume until there is nothing left
Assume my enemies have their faculties
And know what's fact and fiction
My existence persistent, real evidence imminent
Like a true Egyptian

Come read my menu
I'll follow through and satisfy
With a five course lyrical
Chew and swallow, wash down with Port
Dessert laced with Maxim sauce
Ain't no question, malnutrition, indisgestion is always overlooked
The elements I cook can't be found in the 90's cookbook

I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
Reload the elements, bring forth the ingredients

As the fire continues to burn
So does the food upon my dish
Lost souls swirl around the ceiling
The stench is high like fish
I bring forth all the ingredients, the elements
Bake a cake and feed the multitude
I play the prostitute in the house of I'll repute

Elements in Hell's Kitchen, elements
Elements in Hell's Kitchen, elements

The utensils I use in my kitchen
Belong to me and nobody else
I feed you complex styles of my spoon
Cos a normal spoon, that would melt
Glamorise with my dressing
Nouns, pronouns, verbs are my herbs
Succulent and edible, digestible
Each and every single verse

Come sip my melodic substance
Wet your plate, drink every drop from the glass
Everything is pulverised, double-fried
And contains everything that's phat
This ain't no fast lyric joint
Unlike fast food everything has a point
Nutritional characteristics, your brain I anoint

I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
I'm cooking up the elements in Hell's Kitchen
Reload the elements, bring forth the ingredients

Bring forth the ingredients
Bring forth the ingredients
Bring forth the ingredients

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Keith Andrew Palmer (born 21 March 1967, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England) known by his stage name Maxim, is an English singer-songwriter and MC, famous for his work with electronica band The Prodigy.

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