The Waterboys

Songtext Going back to glasters The Waterboys


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Going back to glasters

I first played the pyramid stage
back in 1984
(Karl and Kev, Barv on bass
Karl on keys, Kev on drums)
and Anto man made four

I stayed up all night wide awake
wearing a mile-wide grin
Diggin' the transient city
and all that grooved within

Played a storm in '86
felt like we were the kings
Fiddle bows and mandolins
sure broke a lot of strings

We played "Purple Rain", "Medicine Bow"
and "The Healing has Begun"
I climbed the tor at the break of dawn
just to salute the sun

And I'm goin' back to Glasters walkin' tall
Yes I'm goin' back to Glasters walkin' tall, walkin' tall
I'm goin' back to Glasters, I can't go any faster
I'm goin' back to Glasters, that's all

The next time was '89
with the raggle-taggle band
We were jammin' jigs and reels
in a backstage transit van

I wore a wedding suit
I sang "When you go away"
Sharon Shannon's accordion
was the soundtrack of the day

And I'm goin' back to Glasters walkin' tall
Yes I'm goin' back to Glasters walkin' tall, walkin' tall
I'm goin' back to Glasters, I can't go any faster
I'm goin' back to Glasters, that's all

Five years later I returned
a different man of course
I guested with the boy McNabb
and the mighty Crazy Horse

I cranked up the red Les Paul
and I let the bastard rip
I'm coming back this year for sure,
I might even be hip

And I'm goin' back to Glasters walkin' tall
Yes I'm goin' back to Glasters walkin' tall, walkin' tall
I'm goin' back to Glasters, I can't go any faster
I'm goin' back to Glasters, that's all

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The Waterboys were formed in 1983 by Scottish multi-instrumentalist Mike Scott as a vehicle for his songwriting and vocals. Scott is the only permanent member and although there have been more than 30 players there have been a few important and prominent additions such as Anthony Thistlethwaite (multiple instruments notably saxophone and mandolin) Karl Wallinger (Keyboards) and Steve Wickham (Fiddle). The Waterboys have released more than ten albums but their most well known album is undoubtedly Fisherman's Blues (1988) which saw its title track reach the top ten. However it is their earlier album This Is the Sea (1985) that produced their two biggest hit singles "The Whole of the Moon". The Waterboys have been noted as an influence by many musicians most notably Grant Nicholas (Feeder) The Edge and Bono (U2) and Colin Meloy (The Decemberists). Most recently The Waterboys released a new album Book of Lightning (2007) which as so far produced one single, "Everybody Takes A Tumble" and they are currently playing limited dates in the US and Canada.

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