
Songtext Gimme, gimme, gimme (feat. masta ace) J-Zone


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Gimme, gimme, gimme (feat. masta ace)

Golddiggers get ready!
Yo Ace what are we gonna do
about these young chicks trying to get into our pockets?
[Masta Ace]
Y'all young ho's today, Think this shits a game
See no matter who I meet, all I get's the same
Buy me this, take me there
But I'm not you're father
I don't care if my dick's hard or hot and bothered
So pay attention please, it be nice if you listen
'Cause that young pussy ain't worth the price of admission
See y'all chicks today, be the first to say
I want this, I need that
In the worstest way
Besides bitch, I need another curse to say (ho)
'Cause you won't get no brand new, purse today
See y'all young felines can't wait to pounce
And try to take amounts, from my bank accounts
I ain't got nothing on your nails and hair
And I can see how you look at other girls and stare
See you want that bag, them shoes, that jag
You need the cash, to pay that price, on that tag
Fat chance
You look real good in the black pants
I love your battle stance, thats why I sat in a trance
But I know first-hand, that y'all ho's are lethal
Your souls are transparent, and your clothes are see-through
Don't know me from a hole in the wall
And want to go to the mall
Shopping bags, I'm left holding 'em all?
I know you and your baby daddy's gonna do it
But like the Belt Parkway, bitch I conduit
Now Ace tellin the truth
Yo check it out, man
I met some wholesome chick, I mean she REAL wholesome
I say that 'cause everytime I go to the ATM and withdraw some money, she
wanna hol' some
Now I need alittle more advice from a veteran in this game
Drop another one on the mic for these young cats-acap

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J-Zone is a producer, DJ, Journalist, former emcee, and the CEO of Old Maid Entertainment. He lives in Queens, New York and has enjoyed a large following of underground hip hop aficionados and a sizable European fan base that continues to grow.

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