Joaquin Phoenix

Songtext Get rhythm Joaquin Phoenix


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Get rhythm

Hey get rhythm when you get the blues
C'mon get rhythm when you get the blues
Get a rock and roll feelin' in your bones
Get taps on your toes and get gone
Get rhythm when you get the blues

A little shoeshine boy he never gets lowdown
But he's got the dirtiest job in town
Bendin' low at the people's feet
On a windy corner of a dirty street
Well I asked him while he shined my shoes
How'd he keep from gettin' the blues
He grinned as he raised his little head
He popped his shoeshine rag and then he said

Get rhythm when you get the blues
C'mon get rhythm when you get the blues
Yes a jumpy rhythm makes you feel so fine
It'll shake all your troubles from your worried mind
Get rhythm when you get the blues

Get rhythm when you get the blues...

Get rhythm when you get the blues
C'mon get rhythm when you get the blues
Get a rock and roll feelin' in your bones
Get taps on your toes and get gone
Get rhythm when you get the blues

Well I sat and listened to the sunshine boy
I thought I was gonna jump with joy
He slapped on the shoe polish left and right
He took his shoeshine rag and he held it tight
He stopped once to wipe the sweat away
I said you mighty little boy to be a workin' that way
He said I like it with a big wide grin
Kept on a poppin' and he'd say it again

Get rhythm when you get the blues
C'mon get rhythm when you get the blues
It only cost a dime just a nickel a shoe
It does a million dollars worth of good for you
Get rhythm when you get the blues

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Joaquin Rafael Phoenix (born October 28, 1974) formerly credited as Leaf Phoenix, is a film actor, musician, and occasional rapper. He was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where he lived for the first 4 years of his childhood. His family then moved to the continental United States, where he was raised. Among the many places in which he lived, because of his family's frequent moving, were Mexico and various countries in South America. Phoenix is from a family of performers which includes his older brother, the late River Phoenix.

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