Ll Cool J

Songtext Get it on tonight (remix) Ll Cool J


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Get it on tonight (remix)

Def Jam baby
Like a Mac could
Def Soul

[LL Cool J]
I'm trying to figure out how I could make this happen, word up
Get this money
Shorty you musta lost my number
Fell into a deep slumber
You played me long deep
That make a playa wonder
I played Motorola tag
To get your wavy hair in my convertible Jag
I said I gotta take a leak
I slide inside
You bust in the bathroom sex in your eyes
I pecked you down low, tongue kissed the cat
Your legs is upside down twisted back
It feels so wet I'm on the go, this scenerio was far fetched
'Til I met this Caribbean honey coated, the pretty thug dream
Kissed your lips with Alize and ice cream
You told me LL I wanna be your queen
You a ball king, the - is morphine
Hard to find time and keep it on the hush
But still make you mine, got mad shine

[Montell Jordan]
Girl if it's alright
Let's go somewhere and get it on tonight
You shouldn't have to be alone tonight
It's one on one tonight, tonight

[Montell Jordan]
Now she's looking at me
But keep talking
Oh now she's trying to ice you
Let's start walking
Over on the dance floor
It's her fault but what can she do?
Tell me baby, yeah
Girl if you're ready (I'm ready)
We can get it on (We can get it on)
I know where I went wrong (She's where you went wrong)
With you is where I belong, belong
Girl, if I can find the words to say
I gotta get away from a love that kills me every day
I'd gladly say to you

1 - [Montell Jordan]
Girl if it's alright
Let's go somewhere and get it on tonight
I've got a girl but you look good tonight
It's one on one tonight, tonight

Girl if it's alright
Let's go somewhere and get it on tonight
You shouldn't have to be alone tonight
It's one on one tonight, tonight

[LL Cool J]
I testify, its best to try
Walk the fine line, tell no lies
My baby mad fly, honey hold me down
But I had to throw you in that apartment downtown
Switched your jewels up, flipped your wardrobe
Analyze the pager, came up with codes
We're both on our knees, I pull your hair back
Then push and fall and I spank it from the back
I know you like that
But during the week I pull a disappearing act
Where my girl is at
I'm zoning, a real nigga balling
I'm supposed to be a pimp but my body is calling
I don't know R. Kelly I calls my man
Two L's in Montell, maybe he understand
A grown man throwing his life in quicksand
Just to feel my tip on your lips and hands

Repeat 1 till end

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